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All American holidays are not observed in Japan, such as Thanksgiving day. と思ったのですが、どうも「全部知られてない」のか「全部”は”知られてない」のか不安です。 また、よければより自然な言い方も教えてください。
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2015/11/26 13:27
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  • Not all American holidays are known in Japan, such as Thanksgiving.

Not all American holidays are known in Japan, such as Thanksgiving. たとえば感謝祭とか、全てのアメリカの休日が日本で知られているわけではない。 All American holidays are not known... とするとおっしゃる通り「全部知られていない」のか「全部は知られていない」のかわかりづらいですね。どちらの意味でもとることができてしまいます。 Not all を使うと「全部は知られていない」となり、自然でわかりやすいです。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Japan is not familiar with all American holidays!

This is not true just for Japan, there are other countries that are not familiar with all American holidays or doesn't celebrate it. "Japan is not familiar with all American holidays!" "Familiar"when we do not know or recognize something
これは日本だけに限らず、他の国でもアメリカの休日になじみがなかったり、お祝いしない国はあります。 "Japan is not familiar with all American holidays!"(日本はアメリカの休日に馴染みがありません。) "Familiar" は、そのことについてよく知らなかったり認識していないことを意味します。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan we are not so famiiiar with American holiday periods

It would be no surprise to any American that in Japan people are not au fait with the various holidays that people in the USA enjoy. Why would they be? Similarly, if Americans were to be asked questions about Japanese holidays, their responses would probably indicate a significant ignorance of Japan's holiday periods.
日本で多くのアメリカ人が楽しんでいる祝日に精通していない事はアメリカ人にとって驚くべき事ではないでしょう。 当然ですよね? 同じように、アメリカ人が日本の祝日を尋ねられたら、彼らの答えは日本の祝日についてびっくりするくらい知らない、と言う事でしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • All American holidays are not celebrated in Japan.

>All American holidays are not celebrated in Japan. This is a very simple way of saying it. Because a holiday is being celebrated because it is a special day, we say "All American holidays are not celebrated in Japan". This means that only a few days (certain days) are celebrated in Japan.
All American holidays are not celebrated in Japan. シンプルな言い方です。 ある日は、特別な日なので休日が祝われているという理由から「All American holidays are not celebrated in Japan」と言います。 いくつかの祝日のみ日本で祝われることを意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Many American holidays are not recognised in Japan.

  • Most American holidays are not recognised in Japan.

In order to explain that many American holidays are not known in Japan, you can say: Many American holidays are not recognised in Japan. This means that quite a number of American holidays are not celebrated in Japan. 'Recognised' in this sense means to be acknowledged or celebrated. I hope that helps!
アメリカの祝日の多くが日本では知られていないと説明するには、こう言うことができます。 Many American holidays are not recognised in Japan. これはたくさんのアメリカの祝日は日本では祝われていないということを意味します。 recognised はこの場合、認識されている、祝われている、という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Few American holidays are known in Japan, for example, the Thanksgiving holiday. Please provide me with a list.

  • I don't have the full list of American holidays. Please provide me with one.

Visiting America during holidays when they are commemorating something special to them can be an exciting experience. But, one has to know the full list of their holidays. Say you would like to visit them when they are commemorating 'Thanksgiving' day, you have to know the date they will be doing so in order for you to properly plan for the trip. So, you may say to the travel agent: Few American holidays are known in Japan, for example, the Thanksgiving holiday. Please provide me with a list. or I don't have the full list of American holidays. Please provide me with one.
アメリカ合衆国を特別な何かを記念する祝日の間に訪問することはきっとわくわくする体験となるでしょう。でもそのためには沢山の祝日について知ることが必要です。例えば、”Thanksgiving day”(感謝際)のお祝いの際に訪れたいなら、そのお祝いの日程を知り、それに合わせて旅行を計画しなければいけません。 旅行代理店に次のように問い合わせることができます。 Few American holidays are known in Japan, for example, the Thanksgiving holiday. Please provide me with a list. (日本ではあまり多くの祝日が知られている訳でありません。例えば感謝際などです。祝日のリストを頂けませんか?) I don't have the full list of American holidays. Please provide me with one. (すべてのアメリカ合衆国の祝日を知らないのです。祝日のリストを頂けますか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • That is an American tradition, rather than a Japanese one.

  • We don't celebrate that holiday in our country.

It is easy to forget when you travel that the wider world does not always know about your country's traditions. It is fine to use the above phrases to explain that to someone when they ask about whether it is celebrated or not - or if a visitor to your country assumes that it is a known celebration. You will not cause offence by using the above phrases.
旅をしていると自分の国の伝統が世界中で知られている訳ではないことを忘れがちですね。その外国人の方が当然祝われているだろうと期待している場合でも、その祝日に説明する為には上記のどのフレーズでも使えます。 相手を怒らすような表現ではないので心配いりません。
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • We don't celebrate ...

  • Thanks giving is just one of the many holidays , we don't celebrate in Japan

Christmas is certainly not "BIG" in Japan and of course labor day or thanksgiving are really imedded in the cultrue of America... and therefore, really have little to no connection with Japanese culture@ "We don't celebrate most of these foreign holidays...Why would we?"
クリスマスは確かに日本ではすごく大きなイベントではありません。もちろん勤労者の日やサンクスギビングはアメリカの文化に深く浸透しています。ですので日本の文化とはほとんどかかわりがありません。  "We don't celebrate most of these foreign holidays...Why would we?" わたしたちは、このような外国の祝日を祝いません。日本人ですから。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "In Japan, not all American holidays are known in Japan. For example, many Japanese do not know what Thanksgiving is"

  • "Not all American holidays are very well known in Japan"

  • "Japanese people do not know about all American holidays"

If you wanted to explain that not all American holidays are known in Japan, you could say any of the following to express this: "In Japan, not all American holidays are known in Japan. For example, many Japanese do not know what Thanksgiving is", "Not all American holidays are very well known in Japan" or "Japanese people do not know about all American holidays".
「全てのアメリカの祝日が日本で知られているわけではない」は次のように言えます。 "In Japan, not all American holidays are known in Japan. For example, many Japanese do not know what Thanksgiving is" (全てのアメリカの祝日が日本で知られているわけではありません。例えば、多くの日本人は感謝祭を知りません) "Not all American holidays are very well known in Japan" (全てのアメリカの祝日が日本で知られているわけではありません) "Japanese people do not know about all American holidays". (全てのアメリカの祝日が日本で知られているわけではありません)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Here in Japan we are not familiar with all the American holidays, just the main ones!

It is very normal for us not to know about holidays or festivals in overseas countries. We take it for granted that they are known all over the world but this is not always true. The customs and even religion are very different in Japan compared to the USA and also other countries.
海外の祝日やお祭りを知らないのは当たり前のことなのですが、どうも私たちはこれが世界中で知られていると思い込んでしまっているところがあります。 日本の習慣やあるいは宗教はアメリカやその他の国のそれとは大きく異なります。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people are not familiar with all the American Federal holidays.

  • Many of the American vacation days are not known in Japan.

1. Japanese people are not familiar with all the American Federal holidays. If you are not familiar with something, then it means that you are unaware of its existence or you have never been exposed to it or heard of it before. The US is a Federation, which is a union of partially self-governing provinces, therefore their holidays are called Federal Holidays. Example: My friend invited me home for Thanksgiving. 2. Many of the American vacation days are not known in Japan. A vacation day is a paid day off from work. Another word for vacation is "holiday".
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan, many people dont know about American holidays, such as Thanksgiving.

  • American holidays such as Thanksgiving arent well known in Japan.

It isnt common for people to know American holidays and this is ok and you wont cause any offence by not knowing and asking. In Japan, many people dont know about American holidays, such as Thanksgiving. - This is a perfectly good way of telling someone that Japanese people dont know about American holidays.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Not all American holidays are known in Japan.

  • Japan is not familiar with all American holidays.

Both of these sentences can be used interchangeably to have the same meaning. Notice that these two sentences are flipped in structure with, "Japan," either being the object or subject-head of the sentence. When making this switch, we have to either use the verb, "to know," or the phrase, "to be familiar," depending on which structure that we use.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Not many American holidays are well known in Japan like thanksgiving for example.

  • There are many American holidays that are not known in Japan like Columbus day for example.

If you would like to explain to someone that there are many American holidays that are not well known in Japan, you can say something like "Not many American holidays are well known in Japan like thanksgiving for example." or "There are many American holidays that are not known in Japan like Columbus day for example.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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