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2015/11/26 19:12
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  • Could you turn on the heater? It's a little cold.

Could you turn on the heater? It's a little cold. ヒーター([暖房](をつけて[くれる?(ますか?)](くれる?(ますか)少し寒いです。 人に何かをお願いするときはいくつは表現がありますが、 Could you ~?は簡単に言える表現の一つです。 turn onはつける、という熟語です。
  • Do you mind turning on the heater for a bit?

  • I'm a little cold... Do you think you can you turn on the heater?

暖房は"heater"という英語を使います。ちなみに、冷房は「クーラー」ではありません。これは和製英語です。基本的に"A.C (air conditioner)" を使います。(エアコンですね) どれくらい仲のいいお友達なのか定かではないのですが、一応人に聞くことなので、"Do you mind?"や"Can you?" と聞くようにしましょう。 heater = [暖房]( A.C. (air conditioner) = エアコン、冷房 Do you think you could ... = 〜してもらえますか Can you ... = 〜してもらえますか
  • Turn the heat up!

  • Could you turn on the heater please?

"Warm this room up!" you know if it's your friend, you can be straight forward and casual I suppose so let them know like: "Hey sabrina, why is it so cold in here? Turn the heat up!" That may sound a little demanding but your friend might not mind your attitude perhaps. And if you want to sound nice and sweet, you could say "Hey, Could you turn on the heater please?" and you may add on "it's freezing in here" or something like that to express how cold you are.
"Warm this room up!"" もし、あなたが友達に尋ねるのであれば、ストレートにカジュアルにいうことができます。 "Hey sabrina, why is it so cold in here? Turn the heat up!" それは少し難しいと思うかもしれませんが、あなたの友人はおそらくあなたの態度を気にしないかもしれません。 素敵で甘い音を出したいなら、"Hey, Could you turn on the heater please?" または、it's freezing in here" にどのように寒いのかを加えることもできます。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • Are you warm enough?

Are you warm enough? - by asking her if she is warm, you make her think of herself first and not feel bad about you being cold, and thereby she will turn the heater on.
Are you warm enough? 彼女が暖かいかどうか尋ねることによって彼女の考えを優先し、あなたが寒いといっても彼女は、嫌な気持ちがしません。 そして、彼女は暖房をつけてくれるでしょう。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Can we warm up the room first please?

  • It's freezing in here! Can we turn the heat on?

Asking if the heat can be turned on before entering the room is a polite way of saying it's very uncomfortable and cold in the room. Saying "it's freezing in here!" is more likely something you would express to a friend you are very comfortable with, since you likely feel confident they will comply to your request.
「部屋に入る前に暖房つけて」とお願いすれば、その部屋がすごく寒いことがやんわりと伝えられます。 "It's freezing in here!" は、相手が仲のいい友人などの場合に使います、丁寧にお願いする必要がない人に対してです。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • It's freezing in here. Would you mind turning the heat up?

  • Sorry, I'm a little chilly. Would it be okay if we turned the heater on?

Either saying "It's freezing in here" or "Sorry, I'm a little chilly" lets the other person know that you find it cold (the second example is more polite than the first). Then you will follow up with the request by either saying "Would you mind turning the heat up?" or "Would it be okay if we turned the heater on?".
「It's freezing in here"」もしくは、「Sorry, I'm a little chilly」と言うことによって、他の人に自分が寒い思っているということを知らせます。(2つ目は1つ目より丁寧です。) 「Would you mind turning the heat up?」や「Would it be okay if we turned the heater on?」と言うことによって依頼をフォローアップすることができます。
  • Please turn on the heater.

  • I'm freezing! Please turn the heater on.

Please turn on the heater. - swich on the heater Im - I am freezing - getting very cold. A : Winter has officially started! B : I'm freezing! Please turn the heater on. A : Sure.
Please turn on the heater. - 暖房をつける Im - I am freezing - とても寒くなること A : Winter has officially started!(冬が本格的に始まった!) B : I'm freezing! Please turn the heater on.(寒すぎる!暖房をつけてください) A : Sure.(はい)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) Brrr it's cold in here! Could you Please turn on the heater?

  • B) Do you mind switching on the heater please ? I am getting quite cold.

A) Brrr it's cold in here! Could you Please turn on the heater? *Brrr -the sound people make when its cold *Could you - The definition of could is often used in the place of "can" *Turn on - by moving a switch, knob, or lever; turn on. *Heater - a device for warming the air or water B) Do you mind switching on the heater please ? I am getting quite cold. *Do you mind - used for getting someone's permission to do something. *Switching on - Turning on / putting on *Quite cold - very / extremely cold. I hope this helps :-)
A) Brrr it's cold in here! Could you Please turn on the heater? (ブルブルッ ここは寒い!暖房をつけてもらえますか?) *Brrr -寒い時に出す音 *Could you - couldの定義は"can"の代わりによく使用されます *Turn on -スイッチ、ノブ、レバーを動かすことによって電源を入れる *Heater -空気や水を暖める装置 B) Do you mind switching on the heater please ? I am getting quite cold. (暖房をつけていただけますか?とても寒くなってきたので) *Do you mind -何かをする許可を得るために使用されます。 *Switching on - Turning on / putting on (つける) *Quite cold - very / extremely cold. (とても/非常に寒い) お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Please switch on the heater, its very cold.

  • Its freezing. Would you mind switching on the heater?

In the first sentence, you have started with the adverb 'please' in order to make your request more polite. In the second line, you have used the adjective 'freezing' which has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'extremely or uncomfortably cold. Then you proceeded and politely asked: Would you mind switching on the heater? You have used the verb to 'switch' in its present participle tense, 'switching'. The phrasal verb to 'switch on' means to 'make it start working by operating a switch'. The word 'switch' functions both as a verb and as a noun.
最初の文で、あなたはあなたの要求をより丁寧にするために'please'という副詞で始めています。 2文目では、幾つかの意味を持つ形容詞 'freezing' を使い、この文脈の中では'extremely or uncomfortably cold’(極度に不愉快に寒い)を意味しています。 そしてあなたは以下のように尋ねます。: Would you mind switching on the heater? ーヒーターをつけてもよろしいですか? 'switch'という動詞を現在進行形 'switching'で使っています。 句動詞'switch on'は 'make it start working by operating a switch'(スイッチを操作することによって動き始めさせること)を意味しています。 単語 'switch'は動詞と名詞のどちらの機能もあります。 functions both as a verb and as a noun.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Hey, do you mind putting the heater on for a while?

  • Can switch the heater on? I am freezing

Hey, do you mind putting the heater on for a while? - This is asking if the friend mind, because some people don't like heaters. Can switch the heater on? I am freezing. - You asking to switch the heater on and also giving a reason why you want the heater on.
Hey, do you mind putting the heater on for a while? - これは、友人にヒーターつけて良いか聞いています。ヒーターが好きでない人がいるかもしれないからです。 Can switch the heater on? I am freezing. -ヒーターのスイッチを入れていいか、ヒーターをオンにしたい理由も示している。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It's quite cold, can you turn on the heater?

  • Would you mind turning on the heater? It's quite chilly in here.

To ask your friend to turn on the heater due to the cold weather, you can say: "It's quite cold, can you turn on the heater?" "Would you mind turning on the heater? It's quite chilly in here."
寒くて友達に暖房をつけてもらいたいなら、次のように言えます。 "It's quite cold, can you turn on the heater?"(寒いです、暖房をつけてもらえますか) "Would you mind turning on the heater? It's quite chilly in here."(暖房をつけてもらえますか。ここちょっと寒いです)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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