You won't learn how to speak a language by just going to a language school. Ultimately, it's up to you to put the effort in.
You won't learn how to speak a language by just going to a language school. In the end, it depends on how much effort you put in.
You won't learn how to speak a language by just going to a language school. At the end of the day, it's all on you to do the hard work.
・例文では、「結局は自分次第」を「結局は自分の努力次第だ。」にしました。"effort"と"hard work"は両方「努力」のことで、ほぼ同じです。
・「結局」は、"ultimately"・"in the end"・"at the end of the day"などと言えます。"at the end of the day"は比喩的な表現で、「in the end」と同じです。
・"You won't learn how to speak a language ..."の代わりに"You won't become able to speak a language .."という直訳も言えますが、"You won't learn how to speak a language ..."の方が自然だと思います。