We're being asked/ we're being told to refrain from taking part in events.
We're being told to avoid events with lots of people.
「イベントの自粛の延長が要請されています」は we're being asked/ we're being told to refrain from taking part in events もしくは we're being told to avoid events with lots of people. になります。
主語を入れたら、現状がもっと分かると思います。政府が要請しているならThe government is telling us/advising us to avoid crowded places/ events with lots of people. になります。
会社が要請しているなら、Companies are telling/asking their staff to avoid going to large events / events with lots of people. になります。
「要請する」を辞書で調べたらdemand と書いてありますが、The government is demanding that we avoid events なんか言っていません。Demand までではないです。The government is advising, asking, telling us, encouraging us to , などを使います。Demand は変です。
この場合の encourage がきっとややこしいので、例文を作っておきます。
例文1- The government is encouraging us to avoid events with large crowds.
例文2 - WHO is encouraging us to wash our hands regularly.