世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/06/19 10:57
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  • May I ask/have your name, please?

  • What was your name, by the way?

  • What was your name again, please?

お名前をお伺い[していいですか ]( は May I ask/have your name, please? あるいは What was your name, by the way? (by the way([ところで](, は文の最初でもOKです) で、「ところであなたのお名前は?」とするか あるいは、一度聞いたけれど忘れた場合にも使える、 What was your name again, please? (お名前もう一度お聞きしていいですか?) でよいかと思います。 聞いたことはないけれど、今更初めてとしては聞きづらいと思いますので、一度聞いたけれど、忘れたことにしてしまうのです(笑)
  • May I have your name?

  • I'm sorry, what was your name again?

Hi there! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! 相手のお名前を覚えていない場合、自然な言い方は I'm sorry, what was your name again? I'm sorry このフレーズは[申し訳ない](という意味を含めて、相手の気持ちに気を使うということを伝えます。 what was your name? このフレーズは過去形です。なぜかというと、「[この前](教えていただいた」ときを指しているのです。 相手は以前名前を教えていない場合、 What is your name? でいいです。 Again? この単語は「また」が直訳ですが、この場合意味が違います。 前のことを確認するときによく使います。日本語の「っけ」みたいな意味です。 あの人って名前なんだっけ・・・ What was that guy's name again? なんだっけ? What was it again? また、より一般的な頼みかたがあります。 名前を聞いていない場合、 May I have your name? このフレーズはかなり丁寧なフレーズです。 May I have ... ? で「〜いただけますか?」「〜教えていただけますか?」のような意味です。 カジュアルな言い方は What's your name, by the way? よろしくお願いします! 応援しています! アーサーより
  • Can I ask your name?

こんにちは。 Can I ask your name? 名前を聞いてもいいですか? カジュアルで良いなら can でも問題ありません。最初に sorry を加えて、Sorry, can I ask your name?(すみません、名前を聞いてもいいですか?)としても自然です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Sorry, I didn't ask you your name?

  • Sorry, your name slipped my mind?

  • Sorry, I can't recall your name?

Or, it may be appropriate to simply introduce yourself in the normal way and wait for the other person to introduce themselves. If you have never formally been introduced then you may not be expected to know someone's name even though you have spoken with them before.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • May I ask your name.

"May I ask your name?" can be used to ask the person's name. You can also use : "I cannot recall your name? "I never got your name, the last time" "What is your name?" "I'm John, what is your name?"
"May I ask your name?" (お名前を聞いてもいいですか?)は相手の名前を聞くのに使えます。 他にも以下が使えます: "I cannot recall your name?(お名前を思い出せないのですが) "I never got your name, the last time"(前回お名前を聞きませんでした) "What is your name?"(名前は何ですか?) "I'm John, what is your name?"(僕はジョンです。あなたの名前は?)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, my mind has gone blank. What is your name?

  • I'm sorry your name slipped me. What is your name?

  • What was your name again?

I'm sorry, my mind has gone blank. What is your name? - This can be used in both formal and informal situation both is fine. Makes a key point that you do know their name but you are having trouble remembering it. I'm sorry your name slipped me. What is your name? - This can be used in both formal and informal situation both is fine. Makes a key point that you do know their name but you are having trouble remembering it. What was your name again? - Probably the best question to use as it is quick, short and sweet and to the point. Formal & Informal.
I'm sorry, my mind has gone blank. What is your name? - これはフォーマルでもインフォーマルでも使用でき、どちらでも問題ありません。 彼らの名前を知っているが、あなたはそれを思い出すのが困難だということです。 I'm sorry your name slipped me. What is your name? -これはフォーマル、インフォーマルでも使用でき、どちらも問題ありません。 彼らの名前を知っているが、あなたはそれを思い出すのが困難だということです。 What was your name again? - それは素早く、短く、甘く、ポイントが絞られているため、おそらくこれが最高の質問の仕方です。 フォーマル&インフォーマルで使用可能です。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • What is your name again?

A: What is your name again? B: Denton A: I apologize, but it completely slipped my mind.
A: What is your name again? (お名前は何でしたか?) B: Denton (デントンです) A: I apologize, but it completely slipped my mind. (申し訳ありません。すっかり忘れていました)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A) What's your name ?

  • B) May i get your name please ?

A) What's your name ? - asking the person directly what their name is B) May i get your name please ? - Asking for permission (May i ) to get someones name. I hope this helps :-)
A) What's your name ?(名前は何ですか?)- 直接相手に名前を尋ねる表現 B) May i get your name please ? (お名前を聞いてもいいですか?)- 名前を聞いてもいいか尋ねる表現 お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • formally introduced...

  • I knew his face, but we had not been formally introduced. So I did not know his name!

When we "see people around" in our social circle, we are not expected to know their name, unless we have been "formally introduced". it is quite acceptable to ask;-D I am sorry we have not been formally ntroduced... May I ask your name?
社会で人に会う時、正式に紹介されない限り、名前を知ることはありえません。名前を尋ねることは十分許容されることです。 例文 I am sorry we have not been formally ntroduced... May I ask your name? すみません、正式に紹介されていないので、お名前を伺っても良いでしょうか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, but I never got your name, what should I call you?

  • I still never got your name by the way, what would you like me to call you?

If you would like to know someone's name even though you have spoken to thwm before but you just never got their name, you can say "Sorry, but I never got your name, what should I call you?" or "I still never got your name by the way, what would you like me to call you?".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • "Sorry, it seems I never asked your name, what is it?"

  • "May I have your name please?"

  • "Your name has slipped my mind, can you remind me please?"

If you had previously meet someone, but you had not asked their name until now and you would like to find out what it is, you could ask any of the following: "Sorry, it seems I never asked your name, what is it?", "May I have your name please?" or "Your name has slipped my mind, can you remind me please?".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, what is your name? I didn't catch it.

Examples: What is your name? What is your name again? Could I have your name please? I'm sorry I forgot to ask for your name last time, what is it? Hey, what is your name? I forgot to ask you for it last time.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I never got your name before, what was it?

  • I forgot to ask for your name, what was it?

Here are two useful ways to ask for someone's name when we didn't get it the first time and now are trying to ask for it. Notice in the first example that we can acknowledge that we never, "got," or, "received," the person's name. The second example is talking about how the first time you met, you had, "forgot," to ask for the name.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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