「変な夢」=Strange dreamです。
間違い:I had a strange dream lately
正しい:I had a strange dream recently.
To be prone to something = having a natural inclination or tendency to something; disposed; liable: to be prone to anger. "John is prone to picking up an Indian takeaway on his way home. He has an insatiable love of Indian food."
Unusual dream = a dream that is not comprised of normal or frequent events.
"I had a kind of spooky and unusual dream last night."
"Why what happened in the dream?"
"I've been prone to having unusual dreams of late..."
"Yes, I get it! But what happened in the dream?"
"Well, lets just say it involved vampires and a certain amount of physical interaction!"
"OK, please tell me more..."
To be prone to something =傾向がある。
"John is prone to picking up an Indian takeaway on his way home. He has an insatiable love of Indian food."
Unusual dream = 普通のよくある出来事ではない夢
"I had a kind of spooky and unusual dream last night." なんか怖いおかしい夢を昨夜見たよ。
"Why what happened in the dream?" 夢で何があったの?
"I've been prone to having unusual dreams of late..." 最近よく変な夢みるんだよね。
"Yes, I get it! But what happened in the dream?" わかったって!だから何があったのその夢で?
"Well, lets just say it involved vampires and a certain amount of physical interaction!" いや、吸血鬼と、ちょっと良い関係になった夢なんだが。
"OK, please tell me more..."詳しく話してくれたまえ。
I've been experience some really weird dreams as of late.
lately / as of late - this is another way to say recently
e.g. There hasn't been much of a need for sunglasses as late, as the weather has started to become less sunny.
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about moving to the United States in order to improve my English speaking abilities.
lately / as of late - recently(最近)の別の言い方です。
There hasn't been much of a need for sunglasses as late,
as the weather has started to become less sunny.
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about moving to the United States
in order to improve my English speaking abilities.
Weird dreams are very unsettling because we tend to remember them.
Waking up out of a nightmare all drenched in sweat is a very unpleasant experience.
The subconscious mind never rests and when we sleep it processes what happened
during the day. dreams are the mind's way of processes information taken in during the day.
"I've had a lot of strange dreams lately."
This is a casual way of saying that your dreams have been strange recently.
Person 1: How have your dreams been lately?
Person 2: I've had a lot of strange dreams lately.
"My dreams have been strange of late."
This is a way to express that your dreams have been strange recently in a more formal manner.
Person 1: You mentioned something about your dreams?
Person 2: My dreams have been very strange as of late.
"as of late" is often added to the end of a formal sentence.
"Lately, my dreams have been odd."
Person 1: How have your dreams been lately?
Person 2: Lately, my dreams have been odd.
This is an alternate way to express that your dreams have been strange lately, but with using the word "odd" instead of strange. "Odd" has a similar meaning to "strange."
・"I've had a lot of strange dreams lately."
1人目: How have your dreams been lately?(最近の夢はどんな感じ?)
2人目: I've had a lot of strange dreams lately.(最近はたくさん変な夢を見るの)
・ "My dreams have been strange of late."
1人目: You mentioned something about your dreams?(夢の話を何かしていましたか?)
2人目: My dreams have been very strange as of late.(私の見る夢は最近とても変なのです)
"as of late"は、フォーマルな文章の最後によく加えられます。
・ "Lately, my dreams have been odd."
1人目: How have your dreams been lately?(最近のあなたの見る夢はどんな感じですか?)
2人目: Lately, my dreams have been odd.(最近、私の見る夢は変なのです)
I experienced a lot of strange dreams lately.
To experience is that you were in contact with the event that happened. Strange is something that is difficult to understand. Lately means that it happened not to long ago.
To experienceはあなたに起こった出来事をさします。 Strangeは理解しにくいもののことです。 Latelyは最近の話だということ。
Something that is strange is unusual or unexpected, and makes you feel slightly nervous or afraid.
strange (adjective)
You use lately to describe events in the recent past, or situations that started a short time ago.
lately (adverb)
"I have strange dreams lately."
"Then a strange thing happened."
"Have you talked to her lately?"
"I have strange dreams lately."
"Then a strange thing happened."
"Have you talked to her lately?"
In the first sentence, the adjective 'bizarre' has been used. 'Bizarre' means 'strange and unusual'. This closely relates to the adjective 'weird' which means 'very strange' or 'bizarre'.
So, you may say:
I have been having bizarre dreams of late.
In the second line, the noun 'nightmares' has been used. 'Nightmare' means 'a frightening or unpleasant dream'.
So, you may say:
I have been having nightmares lately.
You may say it straightforwardly and say:
I have been having very strange dreams recently.
The words 'of late', 'lately', and 'recently' are interchangeable.
最初の例文では、形容詞'bizarre'を使用しています。'Bizarre'は、'strange and unusual'(不思議で稀な)という意味です。形容詞'weird'にとても近く、これは'very strange' or 'bizarre'(とてもおかしな、変な)という意味です。
I have been having bizarre dreams of late.
2つ目の例文では、名詞'nightmares'を使っています。 'Nightmare'は、'a frightening or unpleasant dream'(恐ろしいあるいは不快な夢)という意味です。
I have been having nightmares lately.
I have been having very strange dreams recently.
単語'of late'、'lately'、'recently'は、どれも同じように使えます。
・「I've been having weird dreams lately.」
<例文>I've been having weird dreams lately. I don't feel rested in the mornings.