If the cancellation is due to an issue related to the coronavirus, we will waive the cancellation fee.
If the cancellation is due to an issue related to the coronavirus, there will be no cancellation fee.
If the cancellation is due to an issue related to the coronavirus, we will not be charging a cancellation fee.
At high-class traditional Japanese restaurants, they typically charge a cancellation fee equal to the full price of the reservation, but now they are waiving the fee if the cancellation is due to an issue related to the coronavirus.
At luxurious traditional Japanese restaurants, they typically charge a cancellation fee equal to the full price of the reservation, but now they are not charging the fee if the cancellation is due to an issue related to the coronavirus.
・"to waive the cancellation fee"と"to not charge the cancellation fee"は両方「キャンセル料は取らない」を意味します。"waive"はもうちょっと正式な言い方です。
There will be no cancelation fees for coronavirus-related cancelations.
If your cancelation is due to coronavirus, all cancelation fees will be waived.
・There will be no cancelation fees for coronavirus-related cancelations.
・If your cancelation is due to coronavirus, all cancelation fees will be waived.
「キャンセル料」は cancelation fee と言います。
cancelation のスペルですが、アメリカ英語かイギリス英語で異なることがあります。