My sense of days of the week is slowly disappearing due to working remotely
テレワークの影響で、曜日の感覚がなくなりつつある ー My sense of days of the week is slowly disappearing due to working remotely
テレワーク ー Working remotely / working from home / telework
の影響で、 ー due to / because of / as a result of
曜日の感覚が ー My sense of days of the week / my sense of the day / my sense of what day it is
なくなりつつある ー is slowly disappearing
I'm losing track of the days of the week because I've been working from home every day.
・I'm losing track of the days of the week because I've been working from home every day.
work from home で「在宅勤務」という意味になります。
telework という単語ももちろん使うことができますが、英語圏では work from home という表現がよく使われています。