On the train, there has become an unspoken agreement to sit in every other seat (leaving one open seat).
Also, instead of standing in front of a seated person, stand near the door, etc. so that everyone can keep interpersonal space.
But, if it becomes crowded, just fill in the seats as usual.
「電車では席を一席分空けて座るのが暗黙の了解になりました。」は英語で「On the train, there has become an unspoken agreement to sit in every other seat (leaving one open seat).」という表現が良いと思います。
「また、座っている人の目の前に立たないで、ドアの近くに立つなど、対人距離をとるようにみんな工夫しています。」には「Also, instead of standing in front of a seated person, stand near the door, etc. so that everyone can keep interpersonal space.」という翻訳があります。
「でも、混んできたら、これまで通り、詰めて席に座ります。」は英語で「But, if it becomes crowded, just fill in the seats as usual.」という表現がよろしいです。
"It's become an unspoken rule to leave an empty seat between passengers on trains."
「電車では席を一席分空けて座るのが暗黙の了解になりました。」は、英語で **"It's become an unspoken rule to leave an empty seat between passengers on trains."** と表現できます。"unspoken rule" は「暗黙の了解」を意味し、"leave an empty seat" は「一席分空ける」という意味です。
- **"People also try to maintain social distance by not standing directly in front of seated passengers, instead choosing to stand near the doors. However, when the train gets crowded, passengers sit close to each other like before."**
- **unspoken rule**(暗黙の了解)
- **social distance**(対人距離)
- **maintain**(保つ、維持する)
- **crowded**(混雑した)