It would be freaky if you opened the door and there was someone (standing) there. If there were someone sleeping there, it would be even scarier.
ーIt would be freaky if you opened the door and there was someone (standing) there. If there were someone sleeping there, it would be even scarier.
It would be freaky if... で「もし…なら怖いよね」という言い方です。
it would be even scarier で「もっと怖いよね」
ーI think it would be kind of shocking if you opened the door and someone were there and if someone were sleeping in bed, it might be even more frightening.
it would be kind of shocking if ... を使って「もし…なら驚くよね」と言えます。
it might be even more frightening で「もっと怖いかもしれない」
frightening で「ぎょっとさせる・驚くべき」
It would be scary if someone was there when you opened the door! It would be even scarier if someone was sleeping!
・It would be scary if someone was there when you opened the door! 開けた瞬間、もしも誰かがいたら怖いよね!
「scary」は「怖い」という意味で、「if someone was there」は「誰かがそこにいたら」を意味します。