There was an incident where disabled people were murdered, but the arrested person was unexpectedly normal. It seems he just had a wildly different standard of what is right.
Some people with disabilities were murdered, but contrary to expectations, the suspect seemed to be a normal person who just has radically different standards of right and wrong.
In a case where handicapped people were murdered, the suspected killer was surprisingly normal in appearance and behavior. It looks like he just had moral standards that are not the same as the rest of society.
・「正義の基準」は"standard(s) of what is right"・"standards of right and wrong"・"moral standards"と言います。また、"standards of morality"も言えます。"standard of justice"も言えますが、"justice"は抽象的過ぎて法律の哲学に関する表現だと思います。
・「障害者」のポリティカリーコレクトな英訳は"people with special needs"と言いますが、日常会話ならこの不自然な婉曲表現を使う人はまだ少ないので、上記の"disabled people"・"people with disabilities"・"handicapped people"を書きました。
・"suspect"は「容疑者」を意味します。従って「殺害の容疑者」は"suspected murderer"と言います。殺害の有罪判決を既に受けたなら"murderer"または"convicted murderer"と言います。