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2016/07/03 19:34
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  • I nearly fainted due to the heat

  • I felt very faint in the ehat

  • I nearly passed out in the heat

Due to =caused by or ascribable to. "His death was not due to any lack of care." Also: because of; owing to. "He had to withdraw due to a knee injury" To feel faint = Feeling lightheaded, dizzy, weak, or nauseous sometimes happens before you faint. To pass out =become unconscious, faint, collapse, lose consciousness "He consumed enough alcohol to make him pass out."
Due to =~に起因して、~によって "His death was not due to any lack of care." (注意の欠如により彼は亡くなりました) 又は: because of; owing to. (~のために) "He had to withdraw due to a knee injury" (膝のケガの為、彼は退場しなければならなかった) To feel faint = くらくらする、めまいがする、時々倒れる前などの気分 To pass out =倒れる、意識がなくなる "He consumed enough alcohol to make him pass out." (彼は意識がなくなるほどお酒を飲んだ)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It was so hot and/that I was afraid I might collapse.

今日は倒れるくらいの暑さでした は It was so hot and/that I was afraid I might collapse. などといいます。 afraid ~のことを恐れる・心配する collapse 倒れる。(病気等で崩れるように倒れることを言います。) (なお、and ではなくthat を使うと、学校で習ったso~ that....構文になります。「とても~なので…する」) これは自分自身のことを心配して言う言い方ですが、他人のことを It was so hot and/that I was afraid (some) people might collapse. 等という言い方もあります。 色々言い方はありますが、取り敢えず1つの例をご紹介しました。
  • Today was boiling! I thought i was going to faint.

  • It was so hot today, I thought I was going to collapse.

Today was boiling! I thought I was going to faint.- The word 'boiling' is usually used when we talk about water getting to 100 degrees (water's boiling point) but we also use it when we talk about really hot temperatures. 'I am boiling!' means 'I am really hot.' It can be so hot (boiling) that you may faint. Fainting is when we 'pass out', 'collapse' or lose consciousness, due to heat or feeling sick. It was so hot today, I thought I was going to collapse.- this is a good way of describing what happened, in the past, as a result of something else happening. 'I thought I was going to collapse as a result of the hot weather'.
Today was boiling! I thought I was going to faint. (今日は暑かった!倒れるかと思った) この 'boiling'とは、お湯が沸く100℃(沸点)の事ですが、ホントに暑い気温を話すときにも使います。 'I am boiling!'とは 'I am really hot.'(本当に暑い!)と言う意味です。ほんとに暑かったら倒れてしまう事もありますよね。 "Fainting"とは、暑さや病気の為に倒れてしまう事を言います。 It was so hot today, I thought I was going to collapse. (今日はホントに暑かったので倒れてしまうかと思いました) これは、過去に起こったことを言い表すよい表現です。 'I thought I was going to collapse as a result of the hot weather'. (暑さのせいで倒れてしまうかと思った)
Silvanat DMM英会話講師
  • Today was so hot that I thought I might collapse/faint.

  • I felt like fainting/collapsing due to the extreme hot weather today.

Today was so hot that I thought I might collapse/faint.- This means that it was very hot and you had a feeling that you may collapse/faint. Remember we say "so......that...." For example: "I was so tired that I ended up sleeping." I felt like fainting/collapsing due to the extreme hot weather today.- This means that you had a feeling of fainting/collapsing due to the hot weather.
Today was so hot that I thought I might collapse/faint. (今日はとっても暑かったから倒れるかと思いました) これは、とっても暑くて倒れてしまいそうだと思ったという意味です。 "so......that...."を使う事を覚えておきましょう。 例 "I was so tired that I ended up sleeping." (とても疲れていたので結局寝てしまいました) I felt like fainting/collapsing due to the extreme hot weather today. (今日の天気は非常に暑かったので倒れてしまうかと思いました)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It was so hot today i thought I might collapse

  • It was so hot today I thought i might faint

  • I nearly fainted/passed out due to the heat today

When you feel like you are going to collapse as well as saying 'collapse' you can also say 'faint' or 'pass out' these all mean the same. So you could say 'It was so hot today, I thought I might collapse/faint/pass out' another way of saying this is 'I nearly fainted/collapsed/passed out due to the heat today' these are all good ways to explain what you mean
倒れそうなことを表す場合、'collapse'のほかに'faint'や'pass out'も使えます。これらはすべて同じ意味です。 ですから、 'It was so hot today, I thought I might collapse/faint/pass out'(今日は倒れそうなぐらい暑かった) と言えます。 ほかに、 'I nearly fainted/collapsed/passed out due to the heat today'(今日は倒れそうなぐらい暑かった) という言い方もできます。これらどれを使っても、意味を伝えられます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Today was so hot that I thought I was going to faint.

  • It was so hot today that I thought I was going to faint from being overheated.

  • I felt as if I was going to pass out from the heat today.

There are many ways we can say this: 1) "Today was so hot that I felt as if I was going to faint." - This tells the person that the heat was unbearable, and that it was affecting your health. 2) "It was so hot today that I thought I was going to faint from being overheated." - 'overheated' is a word we use when our bodies get too hot and make us feel unwell. 3) "I felt as if I was going to pass out from the heat today." - 'pass out' is a common way of saying 'collapse' or 'faint'. For example: "I passed out from being overheated."
これはいろいろな言い方ができます。 1) "Today was so hot that I felt as if I was going to faint."(今日は倒れそうなくらい暑かった) - この文は、耐えられないくらいに暑くて、それが健康に影響を与えていたことを表します。 2) "It was so hot today that I thought I was going to faint from being overheated."(今日は倒れそうなくらい暑かった) - 'overheated'は暑さで体調を崩すことを表します。 3) "I felt as if I was going to pass out from the heat today."(今日は倒れそうなくらい暑かった) - 'pass out'は「倒れる」「気絶する」という意味の一般的な言葉です。 例えば: "I passed out from being overheated." (暑さで気を失いました)
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • I thought I was going to pass out, it was so hot!

  • I thought I was going to faint from the intense heat.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you thought you were going to collapse from the hot weather. In the first sentence you will see the term pass out. This means to faint. This term is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
上記二つの例文は「暑くて倒れるかと思った」と伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文には"pass out"という表現が使われています。これは「気絶する」という意味です。この表現は家族や親しい友人と話すときなどインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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