Even if he has a sword pointed at him, he has the strength to step up to his enemy.
「刀」= "sword", "katana"
「向けられる」= "to be pointed (at someone/something)"
「相手に歩み寄る」= "to step up to an enemy/opponent", "to face an enemy/opponent"
「力強さ」= "strength"
「勇敢さ」= "bravery"
「刀を向けられてもなお相手に歩み寄る力強さ」= Even if he has a sword pointed at him, he has the strength to step up to his enemy.
「彼はすごく勇敢な人ですので刀を向けられてもなお相手に歩み寄る。」= "He is so brave that even if he has a sword pointed at him, he has the strength to step up to his enemy."