If you use the air-conditioning, you'll use up gas really fast.
A/C uses gas at an alarming rate.
If you use the A/C, your gas will run out really fast.
ちょっと変ですが、「ガソリンの減り」としてyourとかyou will (you'll)を使います。
例文:The gas ran out faster than I expected because I was using A/C. アイコンを使っていたからガソリンが思ったより早くなくなった。
It's surprising how much gas you use when you turn on the airconditioning in your car.
It's shocking how bad the gas mileage is when you use your AC in your car.
ーIt's surprising how much gas you use when you turn on the airconditioning in your car.
It's surprising how much gas you use で「どれだけのガソリンを使うが驚きだ・意外だ」と言えます。
ーIt's shocking how bad the gas mileage is when you use your AC in your car.
It's shocking how bad the gas mileage で「ガソリンの燃費の悪さにぞっとする・恐ろしい」と言えます。
I found out that petrol runs out so quickly when I use the car’s air conditioner.
The petrol costs are higher if I use the air conditioner a lot.
petrol ガソリン
run out 切らす、尽きる、(あったものが)なくなる
quickly 速くに
find out ~だと分かった、発見した
cost (費用、お金が)かかる
a lot たくさん
air conditioner エアコン