There is a series of scandals caused by teachers and police officers, but they are only a handful. Most teachers and police officers are good people.
There is a series of scandals caused by teachers and police officers, but they are only a handful. Most teachers and police officers are good people.
"There have been a number of scandals involving school teachers and police officers, but they represent only a small minority. The majority of such professionals are diligent and respectable."
- "There have been a number of scandals involving school teachers and police officers,...":「学校の先生や警察官が巻き込まれた多数の不祥事が起きているが…」という意味。
- "...but they represent only a small minority.":「しかし彼らは少数派を代表しているだけだ」。要するに「それはほんの一握りに過ぎない」という意味です。
- "The majority of such professionals are diligent and respectable.":「そのようなプロフェッショナルの大部分は勤勉で尊敬するに値しまる」、つまり「大半の方は真面目なんですよ」という意味。