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2016/07/17 20:59
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  • It's almost the end of the rainy season.

こんにちは。 It's almost the end of the rainy season. もうすぐ梅雨は終わりです。 上記のように英訳しました。 almost:もうすぐ the end of 〜:〜の終わり rainy season:梅雨、雨季 rainy は「雨が多い」「雨の」のような意味になります。 他の方の回答とあわせて参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • The rainy season will soon be over.

こんばんは。 よろしくお願いします。 《英訳例》 文字通りには「もうすぐ梅雨が終わります」。 「梅雨明け」は「梅雨が終わる」と言えるのではないでしょうか。 「もうすぐ」は「soon」、「終わる」は「over」です。 《各部の意味》 The rainy season→梅雨は will soon be over→もうすぐ終わる 《語句の意味》 rainy【形】雨の、雨模様の、雨降りの、雨の多い、雨にぬれた (英辞郎) rainy season 雨の多い季節、雨季、梅雨 (同) soon【副】もうすぐ、間もなく、程なく (同) over【形】終わって、おしまいになって、済んで (同) 簡単な回答ですが、お役立ていただければ幸いです。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
  • The rainy season is almost over.

  • The seasons are about to change and the rainy season will soon be over.

1. The rainy season is almost over. This simply means what it says. 2. The seasons are about to change and the rainy season will soon be over. Most countries have four seasons, and the end of one season means the beginning of another.
1. The rainy season is almost over. 「This simply」とは言うことを意味します。 2. The seasons are about to change and the rainy season will soon be over. 多くの国は四季があります。 「the end of one season」は他の季節の始まりを意味します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Thank goodness! The rainy season is almost over

  • Thank God! The rainy season is almost over.

  • Thank heavens! The rainy season is almost over.

I have used the idiom 'thank goodness' to express happiness that something bad has been avoided or has finished. In most instances, the rainy season is loathed by most people because it brings storms and hurricanes. Most rainy days are full of lightning and thunder. Most people do not venture out when there is lightning and thunder or when there is a storm. Worse still, hurricanes occur during the rainy season and because they are destructive, people fear the rainy season as a result. So, when the rain is almost over, you would say: Thank goodness, or thank God, or thank heavens, the rainy season is almost over.
thank goodnessを何か悪いことが回避されたり、終了したときなどに、thank goodnessという表現を使います。 いろんな場面で雨季は人々に嫌われています。 雨季にはハリケーン、嵐、雷が多く、そういう時に多くの人は外に出ようとしません。 さらに、こういったハリケーンは甚大な被害を及ぼすことで、雨季そのものまで酷く恐れてしまうひともいるのです。 そのため、雨がもうすぐあがりそうなとき、こういうことができるでしょう。 例 Thank goodness, / thank God, / thank heavens, ああ神よ感謝します。 the rainy season is almost over. 雨季がもうすぐ終わりそうだ。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The wet season/rainy season is "coming to an end"

There are quite extreme weather phases in japan. In the summer the weather can be VERY hot and the rainy seaon very damp and depressing... Most people are glad to know that the rainy season will "soon be at an end!"
例:The wet season/rainy season is "coming to an end" 「梅雨が終わりかけている。」 日本では極端な季節があります。 夏にはとても暑くなり、梅雨には空はどんより、気分も落ち込みます。 ほとんどの人は、梅雨を"soon be at an end!(早く終われ)"と思っていますね。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The rainy season is almost over.

  • The rainy season will soon be over.

The rainy season is almost over. The rainy season will soon be over. These two sentences should help you out, and will help you to be understood. Pick one, and go get talking. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
The rainy season is almost over. The rainy season will soon be over. (もうすぐ梅雨が終わります) どちらの文でもこの意味を伝えることができます。どちらか選んで使ってみてください。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • The rainy season is almost over.

  • We nearing the end of this rainy season.

1.The rainy season is almost over. - This is a simple way of saying it. 2.We nearing the end of this rainy season. - If you nearing to something it means you are approaching something. In this case you are approaching the end of the rainy season.
1.The rainy season is almost over.- これがもっとも簡単な表現の仕方です。 2.We nearing the end of this rainy season.- nearingを使うことで、近づいているという意味を表せます。この場合、雨季が終わりに近づいていることを意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The wet season has almost finished

  • The wet monsoon period is coming to an end

The monsoon is a seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and South East Asia, blowing from the south-west between May and September and bringing rain (the wet monsoon ), or from the north-east between October and April (the dry monsoon ). "When's it best to visit Japan?" "I would say after the wet monsoon in October."
モンスーンは、東南アジア、南アジアでは季節風と呼ばれ、5月から9月ごろにかけて南西から吹く雨を運んでくる風のことを言うこともあれば、北東からの10月から4月にかけてふく乾燥した風のことをさすこともあります。 "When's it best to visit Japan?" 日本に行くのっていつが一番いいの? "I would say after the wet monsoon in October." 10月ごろに季節風がやむ頃がベストかな。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "It is almost the end of the rainy season in Japan"

  • "The rainy season will be over soon"

  • "It is near the end of the rainy season"

If you wanted to explain that the rainy season is almost over, you could say any of the following to express this: "It is almost the end of the rainy season in Japan", "The rainy season will be over soon" or "It is near the end of the rainy season".
「もうすぐ梅雨が明ける」は次のように言えます。 "It is almost the end of the rainy season in Japan"(日本ではもうすぐ梅雨が明ける) "The rainy season will be over soon"(もうすぐ梅雨が明ける) "It is near the end of the rainy season"(もうすぐ梅雨が明ける)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • The rainy season will be ending soon.

  • The rainy season is just about over.

  • There is not much time before the rainy season is over.

There are a few different ways to say the rainy season is ending. The words "end" and "over" are what is known as interchangeable. This means they have similar meanings and can be used in the same way. For example you could say "The rainy season will be ending soon." or you could say, "The rainy season will be over soon." Both examples have the exact same meaning.
「梅雨が終わる」はいくつかの言い方ができます。 "end" と "over" は 'interchangeable' です。つまり、意味が似ていて同じように使えます。 例えば、 "The rainy season will be ending soon."(もうすぐ梅雨が終わります) または "The rainy season will be over soon."(もうすぐ梅雨が終わります) と言えます。どちらも全く同じ意味です。
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • The rainy season will be ushered out soon.

  • It's almost time to bid farewell to summer's rainy weather.

1.The rainy season will be ushered out soon. This means that it is almost the end of the rainy season and that the heat and humidity of August will follow. 2. It's almost time to bid farewell to summer's rainy weather. To bid farewell means to say goodbye.This sentence means that the people in Japan will soon get some relief from the rainy weather.
1. The rainy season will be ushered out soon.(もうすぐ梅雨が終わる) この文は、もうすぐ梅雨が終わり蒸し暑い8月がやって来るという意味です。 2. It's almost time to bid farewell to summer's rainy weather.(もうすぐ梅雨が終わる) "To bid farewell" は「別れを告げる」という意味です。この文は、日本ではもうすぐ梅雨が終わると伝えています。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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