世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/30 09:58
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  • The laundry never gets dry in this cold weather.

  • The weather is too cold to do laundry.

家の中で干しっぱなしの洗濯物。。。いつまで干せば乾いてくれるの?って気持ちよくわかります。私が住むマルタでも、冬は湿気が多いためなかなか乾きません! The laundry never gets dry in this cold weather.  寒い天候では洗濯物が乾かない。 The weather is too cold to do laundry. 洗濯するには天気が寒すぎる。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • The laundry doesn't dry because of the cold weather

laundry:洗濯物 cold weather:寒い季節 The laundry doesn’t dry 洗濯物が乾かない The laundry doesn’t dry in this cold weather. 洗濯物が寒くて(寒い季節のせいで)乾かない。 cold weatherをrainy seasonに変えると The laundry doesn’t dry in this rainy season. 洗濯物が梅雨のせいで乾かない。
  • The weather is cold, so the laundry won't dry.

If you hang clothes on a line so that the sun dries them, it may take a really long time for them to dry if the weather is cold. You can express this in the following way:- 1. The weather is cold, so the laundry won't dry. 天気が寒いので、洗濯物は乾燥しません。
太陽で乾かすために、服を干すのであれば、天気が寒ければ、乾くのに時間がかかります。 以下のように表現することができます。 1. The weather is cold, so the laundry won't dry. 寒いので、洗濯物は乾燥しません。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I don't think the laundry will dry due to this cold weather.

  • It is too cold for the laundry to dry.

You can use the sentences above to express yourself. Remember we say For example: It is too cold to go for swimming. It is too far away to walk.
自分自身を表現するときに上記の文章を使うことができます。 「」で言うことができることも覚えておきましょう。 例えば、 It is too cold to go for swimming. 泳ぐには寒すぎる It is too far away to walk. 歩くには遠すぎる
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's not warm enough to dry the laundry

  • It's so cold and damp, this laundry will never dry!

Your laundry has been on the washing line for most of the day and you need a clean shirt for the evening. You unpeg the shirt from the line and immediately feel how wet it is! All the clothes are still sodden. "Are you bringing in all the washing, Mavis?" "No, it's so cold and damp, this laundry will never dry! Maybe it will dry by tomorrow." "No, It's not warm enough to dry the laundry. Bring it indoors and we'll put it on the radiators."
夜には綺麗なシャツが必要なのに、一日中欲しているのに全く乾かない。 シャツをとってみるとどれくらい濡れているのかがわかる。全部まだ水浸しだ。 会話例 "Are you bringing in all the washing, Mavis?" 洗濯物全部だしているのかいマーヴィス? "No, it's so cold and damp, this laundry will never dry! Maybe it will dry by tomorrow." いいえ、冷たいからね、洗濯物がかわかないよ。多分明日には乾くだろうね。 "No, It's not warm enough to dry the laundry. Bring it indoors and we'll put it on the radiators." 洗濯物が乾くほど温かくないよ。部屋干ししてラジエータの上に置こう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is too wet today and the washing will not dry.

  • I laundry may not dry today as it is so cold.

  • The washing will not dry in such chill weather.

This washing will not dry today as the temperature is so low. It is very damp today! The washing will not dry.
例文 This washing will not dry today as the temperature is so low. 気温がとても低いので、この洗濯物は乾かないだろう。 It is very damp today! The washing will not dry. 今日はとても湿気が多いから、洗濯物が乾かないだろう。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • It's not warm enough to dry the laundry

  • The laundry never gets dry in this cold weather

It's very simple to say. Just use any of these sentences and the person will definitely understand what do you want to say. They practically mean the same.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • The laundry won't dry up because of the depressing, overcast winter morning

  • It is freezing and overcast today. The laundry will not dry up.

The phrasal verb to 'dry up' means 'to remove wetness from something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "dry" and "up. The adjective 'overcast' has several meanings, but, in this ,context, it means 'the sky is covered with clouds and therefore not bright and sunny. So, you may say: The laundry won't dry up because of the depressing, overcast winter morning. If you say its 'freezing', you are saying that it the temperature is below 32°F (0°C). The adjective 'freezing' means 'the temperature is below 32°F (0°C)' So, you may say: It is freezing and overcast today. The laundry will not dry up.
dry up' という句動詞は、何かから湿り気を取り除くということです。この用法では、"dry" と "upの間に名詞又は代名詞を使うことができます。 ”overcast”という形容詞には意味がいくつかありますが、この文章では、”空が雲に覆われているので明るくなく、日が照っていない”という意味です。 ですからこう言うことができます。 例文 The laundry won't dry up because of the depressing, overcast winter morning. 気が滅入るような、雲で覆われた冬の朝なので、洗濯物は乾かないだろう。 'freezing'という形容詞は気温が32°F (0°C)以下だということです。 ですからこう言うことができます。 例文 It is freezing and overcast today. The laundry will not dry up. 今日は凍えそうなほど寒く、曇っている。洗濯物は乾かないだろう。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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