世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/30 22:06
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  • The completion of the motor car will not be in time for the Olympics.

  • The motor car will not be finished by the Olympics.

★「be in time for」=~に[間に合う]( The completion of the motor car will not be in time for the Olympics. 他の例: Will you be in time for the speech today? (今日のスピーチに間に合う?) ★「will」=~までに~できない・されない The motor car will not be finished by the Olympics. 他の例: I will not be ready by Monday. (月曜日までに準備を[終える](ことができない。)
Reina Saeki マルチリンガル英会話講師/ハーバード卒バイリンガル
  • The car will not be ready in time for the Olympics

  • The car won't be finished in time for the Olympics

  • The deadline won't be met.

This means the car won't be able to be shown at the Olympics as it won't be finished.
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • cannot meet the deadline

cannot meet 間に合わない cannot meet the deadline [締め切り](に間に合わない deadline は「締め切り」_という意味です。 「~の締め切り」は deadline for ~ という言い方が一般的ですが、そのまま ~ deadline と言うこともできます。 deadline for the report レポートの締め切り report deadline レポートの締め切り (例文) The completion of the linear motor car cannot meet the deadline for the Olympics. リニアモーターカーの完成がオリンピックの締め切りに間に合わない。 The completion of the linear motor car cannot meet the Olympics deadline. リニアモーターカーの完成がオリンピックの締め切りに間に合わない。
  • We're behind schedule and will miss the deadline.

  • Production is not going to be completed in time

  • This undertaking will fail to be completed in time

If there is a deadline and you can accurately predict that you will 'miss the deadline' then the project or 'undertaking' 'will'fail to meet the deadline' or 'fail to complete in time'.
締切があって、締切に間に合わないのが予想されるのであれば、プロジェクト、または受けた仕事(undertaking)の締め切りに間に合わない(fail to meet the dead line)、または時間内に終了できない(fail to complete in time)、ということができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I will not meet the deadline of this project because of insufficient resources.

  • I will miss the motor car project's deadline because of the bad weather.

  • The motor car project will not be completed before the Olympic games start because of bad weather.

Every project has a timeline, that is, a starting date, milestone dates during execution, and a completion date when the project has to be handed over. If the there are incidents along the way, during execution that will prevent on time completion, they have to be communicated to the project owner. You may say: I will not meet the deadline of this project because of insufficient resources. or I will miss the motor car project's deadline because of the bad weather. or The motor car project will not be completed before the Olympic games start because of bad weather.
例:I will not meet the deadline of this project because of insufficient resources. 「材料不足でプロジェクトの納期が守れません。」 例:I will miss the motor car project's deadline because of the bad weather. 「天候が悪いので、リニアモーターカーのプロジェクトの納期に間に合いません。」 例:The motor car project will not be completed before the Olympic games start because of bad weather. 「リニアモーターカーのプロジェクトは悪天候のため、オリンピックに間に合いません。」 全てのプロジェクトはタイムライン(日本語でスケジュール)があります。 引き継ぎをするような場合、始日、中間目標、終了日まで決めなくてはなりません。 何か問題があれば当然納期に間に合わすのは難しくなり、上司と相談せいなければなりません。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I can't meet the deadline set.

  • It won't be completed on time.

  • We won't be ready by then.

You are explaining to someone that a deadline that has been set will not be met for whatever reason. This would be a sentence to explain that, but then you would follow it up with a reason why, and perhaps an alternative date that it will be ready. It's important to tell people why you can't meet it and to reassure them that you will finish - tell them when to allay their worries.
例:I can't meet the deadline set. 「締切には間に合わない。」 例:It won't be completed on time. 「時間通りには終わらないだろう。」 例:We won't be ready by then. 「そのときには間に合いそうもない。」 締切に間に合わない時に使える表現です。 まず、間に合わないことを述べ、それから理由といつまでにできるかを添えていうといいですね。 相手の心配を和らげるためにも、いつまでにできるか教えてあげましょう。
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • I can not complete this work by the deadline.

  • I won't be able to finish the [work/project/homework/report] on time.

  • I am struggling to meet my deadline.

I can not complete this work by the deadline. - If your boss comes over to you and gives you some work to do with a specific time for it to be completed in, and you don't think you can complete it in time, this is an appropriate phrase. I won't be able to finish the [work/project/homework/report] on time. - You can use a sentence like this to specify what you are not able to finish on time. 'I'm sorry sir, I won't be able to finish the TPS reports on time' 'I won't be able to finish my assignment on time' I am struggling to meet my deadline. - This is a less direct sentence, you are not outright saying you can't make the deadline, but it is implied.
例:I can not complete this work by the deadline. 「私はこの仕事を締め切りまでに終わらせられない。」 上司がやってきて、締め切り付きの仕事を振られたときに使える表現です。 振られた仕事が締め切りに間に合いそうもないとき、例のように言いましょう。 例:I won't be able to finish the [work/project/homework/report] on time. 「私は時間までに(仕事、プロジェクト、宿題、報告)を終わらせられない。」 カッコの中に例があるように、「何が」終わらないのか具体的に述べることもできます。 例:I am struggling to meet my deadline. 「私は締切に間に合わせようと頑張っています。」 これは婉曲的表現で、直接「締め切りに間に合いません。」とは言わず、 「終わるように奮闘している」と表現しています。 ですが、納期が厳しいことは伝わりますよね。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Progress is slow and I will not meet the deadline.

  • Due to the amount of work to do and the little time that is left I do not think I will meet the deadline.

Progress is slow and I will not meet the deadline. - Progress is slow means that the working on the project is slower than usual. Due to the amount of work to do and the little time that is left I do not think I will meet the deadline. - This means there is so much work still to do on the project and the time left is so little.
Progress is slow and I will not meet the deadline. - Progress is slowとは、プロジェクトの進捗が通常よりも遅いことを意味します。 Due to the amount of work to do and the little time that is left I do not think I will meet the deadline. - これは、プロジェクトにまだまだ多くの作業が残っており、残り時間がほとんどないことを意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry but I won't have this ready by the agreed deadline

  • I have so much work at the moment and it seems that I won't get this finished before the time limit

Many projects have deadlines and it is up to us to finish them in time. Sometimes we can get extensions depending on the nature of the reason, especially for university projects. You need justifiable proof such as a letter from your doctor if you were sick and this would be why you need the extension because you would have fallen behind in your work. "The agreed deadline" is the date that has already been decided by the department. We can also say "time limit" which has a similar meaning to "deadline"
課題には多くの場合「締切(Deadline)」がありますね。それを守れるかどうかは本人次第です。理由によって特に大学の課題などでは「締切の延長」が認められる場合もあります。ただ、「証拠」が必要です。例えば病気なら医者の「診断書」など。 "The agreed deadline" は「合意された期限」のことです。 ほかに、"Time limit" も使えます。"Time limit" は "Deadline" と意味が似ています。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • late (adj)

  • behind schedule (adj)

  • The car line is behind schedule and we are not able to finish by the deadline.

The adjective "late" can be given to describe something that will not be completed by a certain deadline. Also, you can use the description "behind schedule" to describe the same thing. EX) The car line is behind schedule and we are not able to finish by the deadline.
締切に間に合わないことは、形容詞の "late" を使って表すことができます。 また、"behind schedule" でも同じ意味を表せます。 例) The car line is behind schedule and we are not able to finish by the deadline. (この車種は予定よりも製造が遅れていて、締切に間に合いません)
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • It will be finished by the deadline.

  • It won't be finished until the deadline.

  • It will be finished in time of the deadline.

It will be finished by the deadline. It won't be finished until the deadline. It will be finished in time of the deadline. All of these are saying the same thing, just different words and different structure. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
It will be finished by the deadline.(締切には間に合う) It won't be finished until the deadline.(締切が来るまでは終わらないだろう) It will be finished in time of the deadline.(締切には間に合う) これらは全て同じ意味です。使っている言葉と構文が異なるだけです。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • won't be ready in time

「won't be ready in time」と表すことができます。 「準備が間に合わない」といったニュアンスになります。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください: This won't be ready in time for the Olympics. これはオリンピックに間に合いません。
  • will not be in time

「間に合わない」は英語で will not be in time と言います。 例: It will not be completed in time. それの完成は間にいません。 It won't be done in time. 時間までに完成しません。 ぜひまたいつでもご質問ください。 英語学習応援しています。
  • will not be ready in time

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: ・will not be ready in time たとえば、 ・The ~ will not be ready in time. 〜は間に合いません。 in time は「時間内に」という意味の英語表現です。 not ready in time と言うと「時間内に準備ができない」のニュアンスです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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