I read the book and now I know who the bad guy is, so I don't feel like watching the movie.
I've already finished the book and know who the murderer is, so I'm not really interested in watching the movie.in
ーI read the book and now I know who the bad guy is, so I don't feel like watching the movie.
to know who the bad guy is で「犯人が誰かを知っている」
to feel like ...ing で「…したい・…する気分である」
ーI've already finished the book and know who the murderer is, so I'm not really interested in watching the movie.
to finish the book で「その本を読み終える」
to know who the murderer is で「誰が殺人犯か知っている」
to be interested in ...ing で「…するのに興味がある・…したい」
I already know who the bad guy is since I read the novel, so I don't feel like watching the movie.
I already know who the bad guy is since I read the novel, so I don't feel like watching the movie.
feel like ~ing「~する気がする」
I already know who the bad guy is because I read the book. That's why I don't feel like watching the movie.
・「I already know who the bad guy is because I read the book. That's why I don't feel like watching the movie.」
<例文>Why don't you want to watch the movie?/I already know who the bad guy is because I read the book. That's why I don't feel like watching the movie.