Come over on this side. You should walk on the other side of me.
I think it's safer if you walk on this side.
ーCome over on this side. You should walk on the other side of me.
ーI think it's safer if you walk on this side.
to walk on this side で「こちら側を歩く」
Come over here. I want you to walk on the other side of me, away from the road.
道を歩く際に、子どもに安全な位置に来てもらうよう促すには、"Come over here. I want you to walk on the other side of me, away from the road." が適しています。
「Come over here」は「こっちに来て」という意味で、「walk on the other side of me」は「私の反対側を歩いて」という意味です。また、「away from the road」で「道路から離れて」となり、安全な位置を示しています。
"Switch sides with me so you're not next to the road." (僕と場所を替えて、道路から離れた方を歩いて。)