Let's get down:入ろう、[取り組もう](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/52165/)
main topic:本題
OK「 [さて](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/50738/)」と最初に言ってもいいと思います。
Saying, moving on to our main topic shows that the activities before were not the main part of the presentation.
"Getting down to business" means that you are now going on to the most important part of the presentation.
"Moving on to our main topic" は「プレゼンがそこから本編に入る」ことを意味します。
"get down to business" と言うと、プレゼンがそこから一番大事な部分に入っていくことを表します。
「main topic」以外に、
main idea
main point
bottom line
Let's move on to the essence of this presentation, shall we?
Let's dive into the core of today's meeting.
And now for the bottom line of this discussion.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the crux of today's meeting.
もう少し長い表現として、「meat and potatoes」というのがあります。
Now that we've introduced all the board members, let's get down to the meat and potatoes of this presentation.(「さて。役員会のメンバーを全員紹介したので、プレゼンの本題に入るとしましょう。」)
Community service is the meat and potatoes of this project.(「地域社会への奉仕がこのプロジェクトの基本です。」)
「meat and potatoes」(肉とじゃが芋)は(西洋において)、基本的な食べ物とされているため、
似たような方針の表現を更にあげると、「nuts and bolts」があります。
He taught me the nuts and bolts of programming.(「彼はプログラミングの基本を教えてくれた。」)
Let's get down to brass tacks.
get down to~=に取り掛かる。brass tacks=真ちゅうでできた鋲(鋲)なので、
Now that we've broken the ice, let us get started, shall we?
Now that we all know each other a little better, let's get this show on the road.
Now that the ice is broken and we are all feeling relaxed and comfortable, let's start with the actual presentation.
An ice breaker usually serves to make everyone relaxed and comfortable around each other especially in the case of strangers.
"Let's get this show on the road" basically means let's start with the presentation.
An ice breakerとは、特に初めて会った人とうちとけるためのジョークや会話のことを言います。
Let's get this show on the road.とは、プレゼンをはじめようという意味です。
Moving on, let's talk about the projection for next year.....
Cutting to the chase, let's talk about the projection for next year...
If we could now please focus our attention on the main item on today's agenda, let's talk about the projection for next year...
To cut to the chase = This is an introductory phrase in current use which means we should stop the small talk and get on with more important matters.
Today's agenda = The schedule of presentation/discussion for that day.
To cut to the chase=単刀直入に話す。
Today's agenda =本日のアジェンダ、話の流れ、メイントピック、目次。
Okay, let's get down to business.
Let's start the main subject of the presentation.
These are casual ways of saying lets start the presentation again after the break and to get people to sit down and listen.
You can also say: Let's get the presentation started again, can everyone take their seats please.
It depends on what kind of presentation or atmosphere you are in.
If it is a formal meeting you can also say:
1. Ladies and gentleman, lets restart the presentation in 5 minutes.
2. Cast your eyes to the board and lets get to the main topic of the presentation
Okay, let's get down to business.
Let's start the main subject of the presentation.
あなたはまたこのように言うことができます: Let's get the presentation started again, can everyone take their seats please.
1.Ladies and gentleman, lets restart the presentation in 5 minutes.
2.Cast your eyes to the board and lets get to the main topic of the presentation
1.Now let's get down to business.
This means you now want to discuss the main reason why you are gathered.
2.Now the reason we all here.........
This can be a nice way to change the mood from been relaxed and now to concentrate on the main thing.
1.Now let's get down to business.
2.Now the reason we all here.........
Now that the ice break is done and dusted, let's get down to business.
Now that we are done with the ice break, let's get down to the business of the day.
The idiom 'done and dusted' used in the first statement, in the context of a project or task, means, 'to be completely finished'. 'Let's get down to business' or 'let's get down to the business of the day' refers to the presentation in this case because that is what everyone came here for.
So, you may say:
Now that the ice break is done and dusted, let's get down to business.
Now that we are done with the ice break, let's get down to the business of the day.
プロジェクトやお仕事において、1番の"done and dusted"というイディオムは、「無事に/完全に終了した」ことを意味します。
'Let's get down to business'
'Let's get down to the business of the day'
business は、この場合はプレゼンテーションのことを意味します。
Now that the ice break is done and dusted, let's get down to business.
Now that we are done with the ice break, let's get down to the business of the day.
A) OK let's get straight to the point!
:to talk directly about a subject
B) Let's get down to business!
:to start talking about the subject to be discussed:
Example-If the introductions are over I'd like to get down to business.
I hope this helps :-)
A) OK let's get straight to the point!
B) Let's get down to business!
例-If the introductions are over I'd like to get down to business.
May I have attention please ...it is now time to get down to business!
Get down to business is one of those stock phrases used ona daily basis ...meetinfs that start with a social element...an Icebreaker or mixer can often take people's minds off the main point of the meeting...BUSINESS:-)
So this fits the bill perfectly!
"May I have attention please ...it is now time to get down to business!"
Get down to businessは、日常生活で使われる決まり文句の1つです。 世間話、緊張をほぐす話し、親睦等の話しをしていると、人の関心は本題のビジネスから離れていきます。ですからその表現がピッタリです。
"May I have attention please ...it is now time to get down to business!"
We can either use the verbs, "to get started with," or, "to get down to," when telling someone that we want to move on to the main topic of the lesson. We also have the expression, "let's get down to business," which can be said before starting the main section of a meeting or lesson.