途中で降りる= get off halfway
そこから歩く=to walk from there
I decided to get off halfway and walk from there.
I mistakenly got off the train before my stop and had to walk home.
I decided to get off the train early and walk the rest of the way home.
I had to get off the train early and walk the rest of the way home.
The first example is good if you got off the train early by mistake. The second example is if you purposely got off the train early. The third example is if you had no choice but to get off the train early, perhaps because the train had an issue.
自分が下りるバス停を"my stop"ということがあります。
例えば、バスの二人席の窓側に座っていて、次で降りたいから隣に座っている人に伝えたい場合、"Sorry, this is my stop."ということができます。
いつも降りているところ、という意味でも"my stop"で伝わると思います。
I'm on a diet. I got off before my stop and walked home.
I get off the train one stop before the nearest station so as to enjoy a short walk home
I get off one stop before son as to walk home
This seems like a good and healthy idea if the weather permits such activity. I think you probably explained this best in your question! 'one stop before my stop' seems the neatest possible explanation of all.
"I saw you walking beside the train track yesterday. Do you usually walk home from work?"
No, I usually get off the train one stop before my stop so as to get a little exercise walking home."
"Good idea! Maybe I'll join you tomorrow."
'one stop before my stop' で表すのが一番綺麗だと思うよ。
"I saw you walking beside the train track yesterday. Do you usually walk home from work?"
No, I usually get off the train one stop before my stop so as to get a little exercise walking home."
"Good idea! Maybe I'll join you tomorrow."
I got off before my stop and walked home.
I got off before my stop and took a walk home.
I got off at the wrong stop and walked home.
I got off before my stop and walked home.
I got off before my stop and took a walk home.
I got off at the wrong stop and walked home.
I got off the train at the wrong stop and had to walk home.
To explain that you got off the train before your stop and walked home from there, you can say:
"I walked the rest of the way home."
"I got off the train at the wrong stop and had to walk home."
"I walked the rest of the way home."(あとは歩いて帰った)
"I got off the train at the wrong stop and had to walk home."(間違えて違う駅で降りてしまって、歩いて帰らないといけなかった)
I got off before my stop and walked the rest of the way home.
For me to get home, I have to get off before the stop and walk the rest of the way home.
I usually get off before the stop so that I can walk the rest of the way home.
Use any of the sentences above to explain that you walked the rest of the way home after getting off before your stop.
Depending on where you are visiting, you may need to get off before or after your stop and travel the rest of the way by foot.
Sometimes, we may forget to get off at the right stop, maybe we are not sure of the area we are visiting or we may have fallen asleep during the ride.
When this happens we can either wait for the train to go back around or we can get off and walk the remaining distance.
I accidentally got off at the wrong train stop so i just walked home from there.
I mistakenly got off at the wrong train stop and had to walk home from there.
If you have by accidentally gotten off at the wrong train stop and walked home from there, you can say something like "I accidentally got off at the wrong train stop so i just walked home from there." or "I mistakenly got off at the wrong train stop and just walked home from there instead." to explain that situation.
"I accidentally got off at the wrong train stop so I just walked home from there."
"I mistakenly got off at the wrong train stop and just walked home from there instead."
I wanted to stretch my legs for a bit so I got off before my stop.
I decided to get off before my stop and walk from there.
"I wanted to stretch my legs for a bit so I got off before my stop."
You wanted to get a bit of exercise and so you got off before your stop and chose to walk home from there.
"I decided to get off before my stop and walk from there."
Perhaps you wanted time to yourself so you can think and so you got off earlier than what you were supposed to.We often provide an explanation as to some of the actions we take.
"I wanted to stretch my legs for a bit so I got off before my stop."
You wanted to get a bit of exercise and so you got off before your stop and chose to walk home from there.
"I decided to get off before my stop and walk from there."
Perhaps you wanted time to yourself so you can think and so you got off earlier than what you were supposed to.We often provide an explanation as to some of the actions we take.
・get off before one's stop
・get off halfway
I decided to get off two stations before my stop and walk home.