世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/27 10:32
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  • My dad would be the best figure to marry.

Zakiyama バイリンガル自由人
  • I want to marry someone like my father.

こんにちは。 I want to marry someone like my father. お父さんみたいな人と結婚したい。 「みたいな人」は like 〜 と言えます。 娘さんが直接お父さんに言う場合は次のようになりますね。 I want to marry someone like you. あなた(お父さん)みたいな人と結婚したい。 参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • If I'm going to marry then I want the groom-to-be to be like my father.

  • If I will marry then I want my future husband to be similar to my father.

  • If I'm going to get married then he (future husband) should be like my father.

If the daughter will say it : 結婚するなら = If I will marry or If I'm going to get married (either way referring to the future) お父さんみたいな人 = The literal translation is "person who looks like my father" but I believe the desired meaning is "Someone who reminds me of my father(of his good traits) " or "Someone who is similar to my father" な人 = basically means any person but for the sake of the sentence it has to be more specific so either groom-to-be or future husband because it'll be from your daughter's perspective.
娘がそれをいう場合: 結婚するなら = If I will marry または I'm going to get married (いずれの方法も将来を指しています。) お父さんみたいな人 = 文字通りの翻訳は「person who looks like my father」ですが、期待される意味は「Someone who reminds me of my father(of his good traits)」もしくは「Someone who is similar to my father」 な人 = 基本的に何者かを意味しますが、文の目的としては、あなたの娘の視点からとなるため、「groom-to-be」や「future husband」のようにより特定されている必要があります。
Denise Nicole Tiu Tantuco Private English teacher
  • I want to find a man like my father.

  • I would like "the one" to be like my father.

  • If he is like my father, I will marry him.

I want to find a man like my father. I would like "the one" to be like my father. If he is like my father, I will marry him. - All have the same meaning, you can use another phrase such as "the one" "groom to be" "future husband" "other-half" etc, into the sentence.
例文です。 I want to find a man like my father. 私は父のような男性を見つけたいです。 I would like ""the one"" to be like my father. 私は父のような人が欲しいです。 If he is like my father, I will marry him. もし彼が父のような人であれば、私は彼と結婚します。 - 全て同じ意味を持ちます。 文章の中で 「the one」(選ばれた人) 「groom to be」(花婿になる) 「future husband」(将来の夫) 「other-half」(配偶者) などのフレーズも使うことができます。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • I hope and pray one day I'll marry someone like my father!

  • If I marry at all, it will be someone like my dad!

If you have a dream or strong desire to do something in the future, you may use the expression ''hope and pray.' You do not need to have any religious affiliation or belief to use this phrase as it is part of the everyday language in the UK. or, you could make a conditional sentence about marriage, with the condition being that your future husband is similar to your dad!
将来、夢または強い願望があるのであれば ''hope and pray'(心から望む)と言う表現を使うことが出来ます。 これはイギリスでの日常会話の一つなので何のか信仰している宗教や信じるものは必要ありません。 または結婚に対して、君の将来の旦那さんはパパのような人でなければいけないという、条件文を作る事も出来ます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When I want to get married I want to marry someone like my father.

  • If I ever get married, I want to marry a man like my dad.

To say that you want to marry a person that is like your father, you can say, "If I ever get married, I want to marry a man like my dad."
お父さんみたいな人と結婚したいと言いたいときは、以下のように言うことができます。  "If I ever get married, I want to marry a man like my dad." 結婚するなら、お父さんみたいな人としたい。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • If I ever get marry, I'd like to marry a person like my father

  • I hope to one day marry a man as good as my father

When you want to explain that if you ever get married you want to marry someone like your father, then you can say it in the following ways: -If I ever get marry, I'd like to marry a person like my father -I hope to one day marry a man as good as my father
結婚するなら父親のような人がいいと言いたいなら、以下のような言い方ができます: -If I ever get marry, I'd like to marry a person like my father (結婚するなら父親のような人がいいです) -I hope to one day marry a man as good as my father (いつか父親のような人と結婚したいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I want to marry a man similar to my father.

If you want to explain that you want to marry someone like your father, you can say: "I want to marry a man similar to my father."
「父親みたいな人と結婚したい」は、次のように言えます。 "I want to marry a man similar to my father." (父親みたいな人と結婚したい)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • If I get married I want to marry someone like my father

  • When I get married I would like to marry someone like my father

Your parents are people that you respect and look up to so you might want to meet a man that treats and respects you well like your father treats you 'if I get married I want to marry someone like my father'
親は子どもにとって尊敬の対象ですね。ですから、父親のように接してくれる人に憧れることもあるかもしれません。 'if I get married I want to marry someone like my father' (結婚するなら、父親のような人がいいです)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I hope one day i marry the man who is just like my father.

If you want to explain to someone that if you ever get married you want to marry someone like your father then you could say "I hope one day i marry the man who is just like my father" This would mean you hope the man you marry has the same attitude to life as your father does.
結婚するならお父さんみたいな人がいいことを伝えるには、"I hope one day i marry the man who is just like my father" (いつかお父さんのような人と結婚出来たらいいなと思う。)ということができます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
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