世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/30 10:54
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  • Sorry, do you think we could move it to another day?

  • Would shifting it to a different day work? Apologies.

  • Real sorry, but would another day work?

[忙しくしている](とこういうのはたまにありますね。 「別日にする」は、 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ move it to another day change the day change the date shift to a different day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ などなどが考えられます。 「[ごめん](!やっぱり別日にしてもらってもいい?」をフルで翻訳すると・・・ ↓↓↓ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry, do you think we could move it to another day? Sorry, but could we change the day? Do you think we could change the date? So sorry... Would shifting it to a different day work? Apologies. Real sorry, but would another day work? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 上記から見るように、誤り方はさまざまにあります。 また、単に「ごめん」と言う代わりに、こういうのも使えます。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Something super important came up. 大事な用事ができてしまって・・・ Some urgent work came in. 急に大事なお仕事が入っちゃって・・・ Something came up that I have to attend to. 別件で対応しなきゃいけないのが入ってきて・・・ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ボキャブラリー: another - 別の different = 違う change = 変える date = 日付 something came up = 用事ができた
  • Could we reschedule that for the same time next week?

  • Could we switch this to tomorrow at 3pm?

  • Could we agree an alternative, mutually convenient appointment?

To switch = to change something "I'd like to switch guitars. I don't like this one." Mutually convenient = suitable for both people Appointment = a fixed time to meet reschedule = fix another time for a something. For example a meeting/appointment
To switch=替える、 "私はギターをとり替えたいです。これ気に入らないです。" Mutually convenient =2人の適した時間帯 appointment=会える[予定](の時間 reschedule =別の時間を[設定する](。会議/予定など
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could we do this at a later time?

  • Can I take a rain check?

"A later time" this can mean a later time and date from the original date that was suggested. "Rain check" - this is an expression that you use when you would like to reschedule or do something at a later time. Eg: "Can I take a rain check on our lunch? I'm not feeling well today." I hope this helps :)
“A later time”は最初に指定された日付よりも後の時間と日にちを意味します。”Rain check”は予定を変えたかったり何かを先延ばしにしたい時に使うことができる表現です。例: “Can I take a rain check on our lunch?” I’m not feeling well today.”(一緒に昼食をとる約束を他の日に変えてもいいですか?今日は気分が優れません) ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • Can we move our appointment to next week?

  • Can we reschedule our meeting?

  • Can we setup a new day and time for our date?

>Can we move our appointment to next week? >Can we reschedule our meeting? >Can we setup a new day and time for our date? Any of the above sentences are adequate to use. All clearly indicates that you want to reschedule.
Can we move our appointment to next week? Can we reschedule our meeting? Can we setup a new day and time for our date? 上記の表現を使うことができます。 予定を変更したいということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Would I be able to reschedule for next week?

  • Could I/we move it to another day?

You can simply ask to reschedule for another time/next week? Could I move it to another day asks to move the meeting or appointment to a different day.
reschedule for ... で予定変更をしたいときに使えます。 Could I move it to another day 違う日にしたい表現はこれでも可能です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Do you mind if we reschedule to a more convenient time.

  • The time we chose is no longer suitable. Is it possible to reschedule?

  • Can we please reschedule the time.

When asking if you can reschedule, you can also use the term “rain check”. Traditionally, it does not mean that you would like to reschedule, but rather schedule at another time because you may not be available. If you use the phrase “do you mind”, it is a polite way of asking a person if they have an issue with changing something or doing something.
予定変更をお願いしたい場合“rain check”(またの機会/延長)という表現を使うことも出来ます。 本来ならあなたは予定変更はしたくないけど、都合が悪くなるかもしれないので、できれば変更したいという意味になります。 この “do you mind”(~してもいいですか)というフレーズを使って丁寧に相手へ何かをしても構わないかどうか尋ねることが出来ます。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I have prior arrangements. Can we reschedule to Wednesday next week same time?

  • My diary is full this week. How about next week Wednesday same time?

In the first apology, you are stating the reason why you would like to reschedule the appointment to Wednesday next week same time. It is because you already had made other arrangements before this one. Accepting this appointment may mean cancelling one of the ones that you have already made and you would not like to do that. 'My diary is full this week' is another way of saying 'I have prior arrangements'. It actually means that your diary has all the dates and times filled in with appointments this week. So, you suggest next week Wednesday same time.
1つ目の謝罪では。あなたが約束の日時を来週の水曜日に再設定したい理由から始めています。 この約束の前に他の先約があったからです。 このお誘いを受けたら、あなたはすでに決まっている先約をどれかキャンセルしないといけないことを意味し、それは避けたいと思っています。 'My diary is full this week.' は'I have prior arrangements.(私には先約があります。)'の言い換えです。 実際に今週は毎日いつでも予定でいっぱいであることを意味します。 そこで、来週の水曜日の同じ時間を提案します。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Is it possible to reschedule?

  • Can we reschedule?

  • Can we have a raincheck?

The first example asks if something, "is possible," to ask the other person their opinion on the schedule change and to see if they would be free another time. The next is more simply asking if the two of you can change the date or time. Lastly we can use the expression, "raincheck," to talk about rescheduling and doing it on a different day, even if its not actually raining.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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