世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/30 15:49
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  • What would you like for dinner?

  • What do you want to eat for dinner?

「今日の夕飯は何がいい?」は、「What would you like for dinner?」や「What do you want to eat for dinner?」と聞くのが一般的です。 「今日の夕飯」という意味で、「What would you like for dinner tonight?」のように「tonight」を付け加えても構いませんが、文脈がはっきりしているので、つけなくても同じ意味になります。
  • What do you want for dinner?

  • What do you want for dinner tonight?

What do you want for dinner? →夕食は何がいい。 What do you want for dinner tonight? →今日の夕食は何がいい。 ご質問ありがとうございます。 Hiroさんの回答とさほど変わりませんが。 What do you want for dinner? と尋ねても大丈夫です。よく聞きますよ。 {例} A: What do you want for dinner? B: I don't care; what do you want? A: Oh, I don't care; you decide. [出典:But I Deserve This Chocolate!] ----- よかったら参考にしてください。 ありがとうございました。
  • What would you like for dinner tonight?

People have different tastes so it will be best if you try to cater for everyone or cook the most popular dish.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What do you feel like having for dinner?

  • What would you like to have for dinner?

  • What do you fancy for dinner?

"What do you feel like having for dinner?"and "What do you fancy for dinner?"are ways to ask what you family member(s) crave for dinner. "What would you like to have for dinner?" This is a straightforward way to ask someone what they want to eat for dinner.
"What do you feel like having for dinner?"と、 "What do you fancy for dinner?"は、家族が何を食べたいか尋ねるときにききます。 "What would you like to have for dinner?" これは相手に何が食べたいか尋ねるストレートな表現です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • What would you all like to eat this evening?

  • Anyone got any preferences about the menu this evening?

  • Do you want anything in particular to eat this evening?

'Anyone got any preferences about the menu this evening?' This phrase is a little humorous as a family does not usually have a menu like a restaurant. The speaker is acting like a chef.
'Anyone got any preferences about the menu this evening? このフレーズは、レストランのようなメニューなんて家にはないのに、メニューというところが少しユーモラスです。話し手はシェフのマネをしている感じですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like?

  • Ithat way there's no arguments!

"What would you like ?" is a very handy phrase when we want to confirm what someone else might enjoy/prefer/desire as a choice at some time in the future EG "What would you like to wear at the wedding? "What would you like to eat tonight? "I ask my girls what they would like for supper..."
"What would you like ?"(何が良い?)は、他の人に未来のある時点で選択肢として何が欲しいかを確認する時に使える便利なフレーズです。 例文 "What would you like to wear at the wedding? 結婚式に何を着たい? "What would you like to eat tonight? 今晩何が食べたい? "I ask my girls what they would like for supper..." 娘に夕食に何を食べたいか聞くつもりだ
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • What is on the menu for dinner tonight?

  • What shall i cook for dinner tonight?

"What is on the menu for dinner tonight?" "What shall i cook for dinner tonight?" You could give the family a list of meal options or menu and have them decide what they would like you to cook for dinner. "What shall i cook for dinner tonight" is asking for ideas for meals the family want to eat for dinner.
"What is on the menu for dinner tonight?" (今夜の夕飯のメニューは何?) "What shall I cook for dinner tonight?" (今夜の夕飯は何にすればいいかなあ?) 家族に選択肢とかメニューを伝えて、何にして欲しいか決めてもらうのもいいかもしれませんね。 "What shall I cook for dinner tonight?" (今夜の夕飯は何にすればいいかなあ?) ↑家族に何を夕飯で食べたいか、アイデアを聞いています。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • What do you want for dinner?

The easiest and most casual way to ask what others would like to eat is to simply say 'what would they like for ...?' and then add the meal on the end. For example: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, brunch.
一番簡単でカジュアルな表現で、他の人が何が食べたいか聞きたいならシンプルにwhat would they (you) like for ...と言えます。そして、最後に食事時間を付けます。 例:Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, brunchです。 朝食、昼食、夕食、軽食、遅い朝食
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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