Today, I was reprimanded by my superior at the workplace.
「get in trouble」以外他の表現を使いたいなら、「be reprimanded」や「be scolded」と言います。
shoheiさんの文章を英訳すると、「Today, I was was reprimanded by my superior at the workplace.」になります。
また、「Today, I was was scolded by my superior at the workplace.」でも大丈夫です。
to get in trouble の他にも、to get mad at ... や to get reprimanded by を使って表現できますよ。
ーMy boss got mad at me at work today.
ーI got in trouble with my boss at work today.
to get in trouble で「叱られる・トラブルになる」
ーI got reprimanded by my boss at work today.
to get reprimanded で「叱責される」