世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/02 18:29
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  • Why don't you stop drinking too much?

  • How about not drinking too much?

「飲み過ぎ」はdrink too muchとなります。 Why don't you stop drinking too much? 「~やめといたら?」はWhy don't you stop ~ing?というパターンです。 stopの後に動名詞を使います。 この表現は強く注意したい時に使えます。 How about not drinking too much? (How about you not drink too much?もいいます。) 「~したらどう?」というのは、How about ~?というパターンです。 これは上記よりソフトな言い方です。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • You REALLY should stop drinking.

  • I'm really worried about your drinking.

最初の文は「ほんとにやめといた方がいいよ!」という言い方で、「REALLY」を強調するのがコツです。 心配していることを伝えたいということなので、「本当に飲酒について心配している」という表現も追加しておきました。お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • 1. I think you've had enough.

  • 2. Shall we go home now?

  • 3. Let me get you a cup of coffee!

1. The function here is to give your opinion 2. The function here is to make a suggestion to go home. 3. The function here is to offer an alternative drink which may help to negate the effects of alcohol already drunk. This phrase is also a well-known euphemism for: 'I think you're drinking too much.'
1.ここの文は、あなたの意見をいうときに使います。 2.ここの文は、家に帰ることを提案することです。 3.ここの文は、アルコールの影響を弱めるのに役立つ飲み物を提供することです。言い換えれば、飲みすぎだよ、と言っているのと同じです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I think you had enough.

this means that they have drunk too much and they need to stop.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's time to calm down on the drinking.

  • I think you had enough to drink for tonight.

  • Your drinking habits are becoming bad and I think you should calm down.

>It's time to calm down on the drinking. This sentence can be used when you and your friend are out for drinks and he is busy getting drunk. >I think you had enough to drink for tonight. This sentence can be used when you and your friend are out for drinks and he is busy getting drunk. >Your drinking habits are becoming bad and I think you should calm down. This sentence can be used when you feel your friend is drinking to much in general.
It's time to calm down on the drinking. 友達と飲みに行った時に友達が飲み過ぎたときに使える表現です。 I think you had enough to drink for tonight. 友達と飲みに行った時に友達が飲み過ぎたときに使える表現です。 Your drinking habits are becoming bad and I think you should calm down. 友達が飲み過ぎたときに感じた時に一般的に使える表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I think you've had too much to drink and need to stop.

  • I think you have reached your limit for tonight and should stop drinking.

  • You are drunk already and should stop drinking.

"I think you've had too much to drink and need to stop." lets someone you know that you think that they have drank enough alcohol and it would be best if they stopped drinking now.
"I think you've had too much to drink and need to stop." (私はあなたがお酒を飲みすぎたのでこれ以上飲むのをやめたほうが良いと思います) これはあなたがその人がお酒を十分に飲んだと思っていることとお酒を飲むことを今やめたほうがよいと思っていることを知らせます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I think you've reached your limit for tonight.

  • Let's get some water.

"I think you've reached your limit for tonight." This is letting them know that they have had enough to drink for the night and should probably stop. "Let's get some water." It's a way to get them to stop drinking while also not addressing that they had too much to drink. Sometimes it can be a tough situation to be in, this helps you avoid being uncomfortable while getting them to stop drinking alcohol.
"I think you've reached your limit for tonight." (あなたは今晩の限界に達したと思います) これは彼らにその夜十分にお酒を飲んだこととおそらくそれ以上飲むのをやめたほうがよいであろうことを知らせています。 "Let's get some water." (水を飲みましょう) これは彼らが飲みすぎたことを指さずに飲むのをやめさせる方法です。 時に難しい状況ですが、これは不快に感じることを避けながら彼らがお酒を飲むのをやめさせることを助けてくれます。
Leesha DMM英会話講師
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