It hurt so much that I felt numb and couldn't feel the pain (any longer).
「痛すぎて」=「it hurt so much」
「感覚が麻痺したの」=「(I) felt numb」
「痛さがわからなくなった」=「couldn't feel the pain (any longer)」
カッコにある「any longer」がなくても良いですが、使えば「痛さがわからなくなりました」と言う感じが強調されます。
ちなみに英語では「親知らず」=「wisdom teeth」や「麻酔」=「anesthesia」と言います。
I underwent surgery to get my wisdom teeth removed by a dentist. In the middle of the operation, the anesthesia was turned off, and I felt excruciating pain. It hurt so much that I felt numb and couldn't feel the pain any longer.
It hurt so much that I went numb, I couldn't feel the pain anymore.
- It hurt so much that I went numb, I couldn't feel the pain anymore.
- I got an operation to remove my wisdom teeth. However, partway through, the anesthesia wore off and the pain was so bad I was about to faint. It hurt so bad that my senses were numb and I could no longer feel the pain.