I was told that medicine would help me get over the struggles of pollen allergies, which made me feel at ease.
「薬で[花粉](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/33917/)の時期を乗り切りましょうと言われ気が楽になった」は英語で「I was told that medicine would help me get over the struggles of pollen allergies, which made me feel at ease.」と言います。
この文脈での「乗り切る」は英語で「get over」と言えます。
また、「気が楽になる」の場合、「made me feel at ease」と言えます。
It made me feel better to be told to get through the pollen allergy season with medication.
- It made me feel better to be told to get through the pollen allergy season with medication.
- A doctor said to "use medicine to get through the pollen allergy season" and it made me feel better.