世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/27 14:34
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  • I'd like to have a little bit.

  • Actually I'm full already, but I'll have some.

  • One more bite!

I'd like to have a little bit. ちょっとだけほしいです。 すこし、ちょっとの表現でa little bitはよく使います。 ちょっと眠いとか、ちょっと疲れているとか。 Actually I'm full already, but I'll have some. もうおなか一杯なんだけど、すこしもらおうかな One more bite! あと一口だけ!!
  • Just a bit.

~~~~~~~~~ I'll have just a bit. ~~~~~~~~~ この便利な一言で通じます。 「Just a bit.」へ短縮することも可能です。 また、手を上げてつまむような動作をすると、より伝わりやすい。 むしろ、何も言わずに上記の動作をするだけで、伝わります!
  • I'll have just a little bit.

When you are full and you want just a little of something you can say: I'll have just a little bit. Just a little bit means only a small amount. When you are full you can say: I'm stuffed! Just a little please! I hope that helps!
お腹いっぱいでちょっとしか要らないと言いたい場合、こう言えます。 I'll have just a little bit. Just a little bit は少量という意味です。 お腹いっぱいならこう言えます。 I'm stuffed! Just a little please! お役に立てれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I am full but I will have a few "grapes"

  • Only a little please, I am kinda full.

▪I am full but I will have a few "grapes" Few=a little bit. This is indicating that you are already full but you will have a little bit. ▪Only a little please, I am kinda full. This is saying only a small bit because you are full. Kinda=kind of. Example Friend: Would you like some fruit? You:I am full but I will have a few "grapes"
▪I am full but I will have a few "grapes" Few=a little bit.少しだけ これは自分はお腹いっぱいだけど、少しだけなら食べられるという意味です。 ▪Only a little please, I am kinda full. これはお腹いっぱいなので少しだけでお願いする言い方です。 Kinda=kind of.(どちらかというと、結構など) 例 Friend: Would you like some fruit? 果物は如何ですか? You:I am full but I will have a few "grapes" お腹いっぱいだけど、いくつかブドウをもらおうかな。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'll just have a little.

  • Maybe just a few bites.

  • I'm so full but maybe just a little.

We can use the phrase, "I'm so full," to explain that we are not hungry anymore and can't each much more, but if we want to be polite and, "just have a little," we can say so. Sometimes depending on the type of fruit, "maybe just a few bites," will be just enough for us.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm really full but it looks delicious so I'll have a little bit

  • Just a taste

  • Just a tad!

If you want to be formal then "I'm really full but it looks delicious so I'll have a little bit." is a good phrase. "Just a taste for me" is a less formal way to say just a little bit please. Tad is a colloquial way of saying small amount so you can ask for "Just a tad!" if it is not a formal occasion.
形式張りたい場合は"I'm really full but it looks delicious so I'll have a little bit."(満腹ですが美味しそうなので少しだけいただきます)が良いフレーズです。 "Just a taste for me"は少しだけいただきたいと言うためのよりカジュアルな表現です。 "Tad"は少量と言うための口語表現です。したがって正式な行事でなければ"Just a tad"(少しだけ)と求めることができます。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm really full so I'll just have a bite.

  • I'll just have a little bit because I'm so full.

The two sentences you see above are great ways to express that you want just a small amount of fruit since you are full from dinner. In the first sentence you will see the word bite. We often use this word when we just want a little bit of some food. This is a common expression and would be a great addition to your vocabulary.
上の二文は夕食で満腹のため果物が少量だけ欲しいことを表すためのとても良い方法です。 最初の文には”bite”という単語があります。食べ物が少量だけ欲しい時にこの単語を用います。これはよく使われる表現であり、覚えておくととても良い単語です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • A little fruit would go down well, thanks.

  • Just a very small portion please.

Well, firstly, it may be worth noting that 'fruit' is usually used in the singular form in the UK. Of course it is possible to say 'exotic fruits' but the singular version is by far the most common - and 'fruits' often sounds strange in certain contexts. You could ask for a small, or very small portion. To go down well = to be appropriate or satisfactory
イギリスでフルーツは通常単数形で使われることを覚えておくことは価値があるかもしれません。 もちろん”exotic fruits”(トロピカルフルーツ)と言うことも可能ですが、単数形の方がはるかに一般的です。それに”fruits”は特定の文脈ではしばしば変に聞こえます。 あなたは少量またはごく少量をもらうことができます。 To go down well = 適切または満足のいくことです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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