表現「I'm the one who should apologize」は、直訳すると、「私が謝るべき人です」、つまり、「私が謝るべきです」を意味します。この表現は、相手が謝罪した際に、実は自分こそが間違った側であり、謝るべきだと伝える場合に使用することが多いです。
友人:I'm sorry I got lost and couldn't make it to your party.
あなた:That's okay. Actually, I'm the one who should apologize. I didn't give you the proper directions.
この表現に類似したフレーズとして、「I should be the one saying sorry」や「I owe you an apology」も存在します。
・It's my fault.
・My bad.
Sorry for not being able to go to the party, I couldn't find the venue.
Oh no, it's my fault. I should have told you where it is more in detail.
These expressions are used when someone is apologising (saying sorry) to you for something, but they should not be apologizing in the first place, and that it is you who should be apologizing to them.
A common situation this may have occurred in is when you had given directions to a friend and they then in turn couldn't find the location as your directions where not clear and they are apologizing to you for not coming or being late.
No need to apologize, I'm the one who should apologize!
In the US, when people apologize for something that's not their fault, it's common to say "Don't apologize!" or "No need to apologize!" In this situation it would be good to re-direct the fault to yourself with a phrase like, "It was my fault." Or, "I'm the one who should apologize."
アメリカで自分のせいではないのに謝罪するときに、「 Don't apologize!」「No need to apologize!」と一般的に言うことができます。
It was my fault.
I'm the one who should apologize.
No, I'M sorry, I should have given you better directions (to the party).
No, I should be the one apologizing.
No need to apologize, it's my fault for giving you bad directions.
"No(相手の「ごめん」を否定)→ I should be the one apologizing (謝るべきなのは私です)"
No need to apologize, it's my fault for giving you bad directions.
No! Please! I am the one who should be apologizing.
I believe I owe you an apology.
Thank you for your apology, but I am the one who should actually apologize.
These are my preferred ways of making this statement. I will actually thank the person for apologizing and then advise them that I am actually the one in error.
Please dont worry about it. I should have given better directions.
"Don't apologize. I should have been more clear. " This explains that it is not her fault and that you should have given her a better explanation on how to get there.
"Please don't worry about it. I should have given better directions." This tells her it isn't her fault and she must not feel bad. It also explains that you could have made it easier for her.
"Don't apologize. I should have been more clear. "
"Please don't worry about it. I should have given better directions."
When we are right ... we are right:-) But when we are wrong...
We should: "Take the Blame" and openly declare whose "fault it is":-D
There is no escape or argument when...Its entirely my fault.
そんなときは私たちは非を認めて、誰の責任か(fault it is)オープンに認めること(take the blame)です。
Don't apologise, it's me that should be apologising...
I'm sorry too...
When we feel that the blame for a situation is wholly or partially our fault we often feel the need to apologise and justify why the error occurred, especially if someone is offering us an apology for the mistake.
The following phrases are likely to be used to offer our apology and give us the opportunity to say why the problem happened:
- There's no need to apologise, it was my fault, I should have given clearer instructions.
- Don't apologise, it's me that should be apologising, I should have checked you knew where I lived.
- I'm sorry too, I'll give you better directions next time.