世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/28 17:36
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  • I know it's Christmas Eve, but are there any rooms available?

I know it's -- は「〜というのは知っているけど」というフレーズで、日本語で言う「〜だけど」に近い感覚だと思います。 例文 I know it's raining, but I'm going hiking. 雨が降っているけどハイキングに行きます。 I know you're busy, but could you call me back? 忙しいと思うけど折り返し電話もらえますか? --- Are there any rooms available? のavailable は入手可能、予約可能なものを尋ねる時によく使います。 例文 Japanese food is available in this supermarket. このスーパーで日本食品が手に入ります。 Are you available this weekend? 今週末予定は空いてますか?
  • I know it's the busy Christmas season, but I hope you have a room available.

  • It's Christmas eve, I expect that it's busy but I'm hoping that you still have a room available.

These two sentences can be used to express yourself in this situation:- 1. I know it's the busy Christmas season, but I hope you have a room available. This sentence is saying that you acknowledge that the Christmas season is a busy season, and its very likely that the hotel has no more room, but you are still hopeful that they still have one or some unbooked rooms available. 2. It's Christmas eve, I expect that it's busy but I'm hoping that you still have a room available. Christmas time is a time when a lot of people travel in order to be with friends and family. At this time of year hotels can experiece full bookings. This sentence is saying that although that is true that the speaker is still desiring that the hotel still has one unbooked room.
1. I know it's the busy Christmas season, but I hope you have a room available. (忙しいクリスマスシーズンなのはわかっているのですが、空室があればと思いまして) この文は「忙しいクリスマスシーズンなのはわかっているのですが(もう予約が一杯だとは思うけど)、空室があればと思いまして」という意味です。 2. It's Christmas eve, I expect that it's busy but I'm hoping that you still have a room available. (クリスマスイブで忙しいとは思いますが、空室があればと思いまして) クリスマスの時期は、友人や家族と過ごすためにたくさんの人が旅行をします。この期間は、ホテルも満室となることがあります。この文は「クリスマスイブで忙しいとは思いますが、空室があればと思いまして」という意味です。  
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to make a reservation. Will you have any rooms available Christmas Eve?

  • Will you have any rooms available on Christmas Eve? Great I would like to make a reservation.

  • I would like to know if you will have any rooms available on Christmas Eve.

I would like to make a reservation. Will you have any rooms available Christmas Eve? Will you have any rooms available on Christmas Eve? Great I would like to make a reservation. I would like to know if you will have any rooms available on Christmas Eve. Can I make a reservation for Christmas Eve?
I would like to make a reservation. Will you have any rooms available Christmas Eve?(予約したいです。クリスマスイブに空いている部屋はありますか) Will you have any rooms available on Christmas Eve? Great I would like to make a reservation.(クリスマスイブに空いている部屋はありますか。それは良かった、予約したいです) I would like to know if you will have any rooms available on Christmas Eve.(クリスマスイブに空いてくる部屋はありますか) Can I make a reservation for Christmas Eve?(クリスマスイブに予約できますか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Are there any reservations available for Christmas Eve?

  • Are there any rooms available for Christmas Eve?

  • Will you be open Christmas Eve? If so, do you have any rooms available?

A sample conversation: "Hello, my family and I will be in town. I was wondering if there are any reservations available for Christmas Eve?" "Yes sir/no sir..." "Hello, will you be open Christmas Eve by chance?" "Yes sir we will." "Great, I was wondering if you have any rooms available? I have a family of 3." "Let me check sir..."
会話例: "Hello, my family and I will be in town. I was wondering if there are any reservations available for Christmas Eve?"(こんにちは、家族と一緒に旅行に行くのですが、クリスマスイブの予約は空いていますか) "Yes sir/no sir..."(はい/いいえ) "Hello, will you be open Christmas Eve by chance?"(クリスマスイブは営業していますか) "Yes sir we will."(はい、営業しています) "Great, I was wondering if you have any rooms available? I have a family of 3."(それはよかった。部屋は空いていますか。3人家族なのですが) "Let me check sir..."(確認します)
Asia J DMM英会話講師
  • I know it's Christmas eve but do you have any room available?

  • Do you have any rooms available on Christmas eve?

Christmas is always a busy time in restaurants and hotel so it is always good to check first to make sure there is space you could ask this by saying 'do you have any rooms available on Christmas eve?'
クリスマスの時期はレストランやホテルはどこも混み合いますから、まず始めに確認してみるといいですね。 空室があるか確認するなら、次のように言えます。 'do you have any rooms available on Christmas eve?' (クリスマスイブに空室はありますか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I was wondering if you have any rooms available for Christmas Eve?

  • Could you tell me if it is still possible to reserve a room for Christmas Eve ?

  • I know it is a busy time, but do you by any chance have any rooms available for 24th December?

"I was wondering if...?" implies that you don't have high expectations of getting what you are asking for. "Could you tell me if it is still possible...?" implies that you understand it is likely they are fully booked. "Do you by any chance...?" also implies that you understand there might not be any availability.
"I was wondering if...?" には、「これに対してあまり高い期待を持っていない」というニュアンスがあります。 "Could you tell me if it is still possible...?" は「部屋が埋まっている可能性が高いのは理解している」というニュアンスです。 "Do you by any chance...?" も「部屋が埋まっている可能性があるのは理解している」というニュアンスです。
Tabitha DMM英会話講師
  • I know it's Christmas Eve, but do you happen to have any rooms available?

  • Would you happen to have a room available on Christmas Eve?

  • I know it's probably busy on Christmas Eve, but do you have a room available?

If I was calling a hotel on Christmas Eve and wanted to acknowledge that they are probably very busy (or even closed), but I would still like to inquire whether they have any availability, I would say something like: "I know it's Christmas Eve, but do you happen to have any rooms available?" This is a polite way to ask. I hope this helps! :)
クリスマスイブにホテルに電話をして、「忙しい時期というのは分かっているけど(あるいは閉まってすらいるかもしれないけど)」と前置きした上で、空室があるかどうか確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 "I know it's Christmas Eve, but do you happen to have any rooms available?"(クリスマスイブなんですけど、空いている部屋とかはありませんかね) これは丁寧な言い方です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • I know it's Christmas Eve, but do you have any rooms available?

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のように表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I know it's Christmas Eve, but do you have any rooms available? 「クリスマスイブだと分かってはいるんですが、なにか空いている部屋はありますか?」 available「入手可能である/使用可能である」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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