「この弁当は軽めに見えるが、実際は見た目よりもボリュームがあり満腹になる」と英語で言いたい時はheartyを使うのでしょうか?This bento looks light, but it is actually more voluminous than it looks and fills you(またはmeかusの方が適切?) up!ですか?
It's more food than it looks like. It's very filling.
more voluminous than it looksでも通じますが、ちょっと違和感があります。
英語でIt's more food than it looks like (直訳:見た目より食べ物が多い)で表現できます。
It's very filling.を使えます。
This bento looks light, but it's actually quite hearty so it will fill you up.
There doesn't appear to be much in this bento, but there's more to it than you think so it's quite filling.
hearty を使って言えますよ。その場合は、次のような言い方ができます。
ーThis bento looks light, but it's actually quite hearty so it will fill you up.
ーThere doesn't appear to be much in this bento, but there's more to it than you think so it's quite filling.