・「There has been a sauna craze in Japan.」
「There has been a sauna trend in Japan」
(意味) 今日本ではサ活[ブーム](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/38888/)です。
<例文>There has been a sauna craze in Japan. I've been going to the sauna every week on the weekends with my friends.
<訳>今日本ではサ活ブームです。 毎週週末に友達と一緒にサウナへ行っています。
Going to a sauna has become quite popular these days in Japan.
Saunas are booming in popularity nowadays in Japan.
ーGoing to a sauna has become quite popular these days in Japan.
ーSaunas are booming in popularity nowadays in Japan.