My room is a bit tiny and messy, and my bed is the cleanest area.
・「My room is a bit tiny and messy, and my bed is the cleanest area.」
(意味) 私の部屋は結構小さくて散らかっている。ベッドが1番きれいだ。
<例文>My room is a bit tiny and messy, and my bed is the cleanest area. I'm thinking of moving soon.
<訳>私の部屋は結構小さくて散らかっている。ベッドが1番きれいだ。 そろそろ引っ越ししようと思う。
I do my lesson on my bed because it's the only place that's uncluttered, everywhere else is covered with things.
ーI do my lesson on my bed because it's the only place that's uncluttered, everywhere else is covered with things.
to do my lesson on my bed「ベッドの上でレッスンをする」
to be covered with things「物で覆われている」