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2016/11/09 11:48
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  • You definitely need a scarf and gloves!

最近特に寒い日が続いていますよね! It's really chilly today.今日は本当に寒いです。 マフラー:a scarf 手袋:gloves(ペアなのでここは複数形です) Don't forget them! 忘れないようにね!という表現物参考にしてみてください。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • It's really cold, you need a scarf and gloves today.

  • You will need your scarf and gloves today!

  • Don't forget to wrap up, it's cold today.

Gloves - similar to mittens but have a space for each finger. A: Is it cold today? B: Very cold! You will need your scarf and mittens. To wrap up - to put on, or dress in warm clothes. 'You need to wrap up because it is very cold today!'
Gloves - 五本指の手袋。mittensは4本指にひとつのスペースと親指の部分に分かれている手袋のことを指します。 A: Is it cold today?  今日寒いですか? B: Very cold! You will need your scarf and mittens.  とても寒いよ!マフラーとミトンがいるよ。   To wrap up -着る、暖かい服を着込む  'You need to wrap up because it is very cold today!' 今日はとても寒いから着込まないと!
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • Make sure to bring a scarf and gloves!

  • If you don't want to freeze, you should bring your scarf and gloves!

  • It is chilly today so make sure you dress warmly!

It is common to exaggerate the effects of the weather, for example, "boiling hot" / "freezing cold". Telling someone that they should bring their scarf and gloves or they'll freeze is obviously not true but it is common hyperbole! Other synonyms for cold weather are chilly/bitter/nippy/frosty.
 "boiling hot"(ものすごく暑い) / "freezing cold"(凍り付くほど寒い)など天候を大げさに言うのは一般的です。マフラーと手袋をもっていかないと、凍り付いてしまうよというのは本当のことではありませんが、大げさに言うのは普通なのです。 寒いというほかの類義語は、chilly/bitter/nippy/frostyです。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • You need to wrap up warm today!

  • You need to protect your neck and hands from the cold!

  • You should put on mittens and a scarf today!

If you are advising someone to put on warm clothing, there is no need to then describe the outside temeperature as cold, although if you wish you may add: 'It's freezing outside!' or, 'It's bitterly cold!'
暖かい服を着たり、暖かい小物を身に着けるように誰かに勧める時、寒いなどの外の気温を説明する必要はないでしょう。ですが、もし付け加えたければ、下記のように言えます。 It's freezing outside! 凍えるくらい寒いです! It's bitterly cold! ひどく(身を切るように)寒いです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's cold out today so grab your heavy coat

  • You will need your gloves and scarf because it is very cold today

  • Don't forget to get your scarf and gloves because it is cold today

Just saying, "It's cold out today so grab your heavy coat" also tells them to get anything else they need to stay warm such as gloves and a scarf. You can remind them to get additional accessories by saying, "You will need your gloves and scarf because it is cold today" or "Don't forget to get your scarf and gloves because it is cold today."
"It's cold out today so grab your heavy coat" 〔訳〕今日外は寒いから、厚手のコートを持っていきな。 これで、(コートだけでなく)暖かくするもの(手袋、スカーフなど)を持っていくように伝えられます。 ほかに: "You will need your gloves and scarf because it is cold today" 〔訳〕今日寒いから、手袋とマフラーが要るよ。 または、 "Don't forget to get your scarf and gloves because it is cold today." 〔訳〕今日寒いからマフラーと手袋を忘れないようにね。 という言い方もあります。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • It's cold today, bring yourself a scarf and gloves/mittens

  • Today is very cold. You're going to need a scarf and gloves/mittens.

When you want to warn your friends about the cold, then you can say: -It's cold today, bring yourself a scarf and gloves/mittens -Today is very cold. You're going to need a scarf and gloves/mittens. -Bring your gloves/mittens and scarf because it's very cold out(side).
友達に寒いことを伝えたいときは、以下のように言うことができます。 -It's cold today, bring yourself a scarf and gloves/mittens 今日は寒いから、マフラーと手袋を持ってきて。 -Today is very cold. You're going to need a scarf and gloves/mittens. 今日はとても寒い。マフラーと手袋が必要だよ。 -Bring your gloves/mittens and scarf because it's very cold out(side). 外がとても寒いから、手袋とマフラーをもってきてね。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • You're going to need a scarf and mittens, it's so cold today.

  • It's so cold today, you're going to need a scarf and mittens.

  • It's so cold today, you should wear a scarf and mittens.

The first two examples show that there can be movement within the sentence without losing the meaning, "it's so cold today," can come at the beginning or the end of the sentence. We can also use the conditional, "should wear," to suggest that someone should do something.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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