世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/12 14:23
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  • If you don't drink it soon, the ice will melt and the drink will get diluted.

  • If you don't hurry up and drink it, the ice will melt and the taste will be weaker.

Tim Young 主催
  • If you don't drink it soon, the ice will melt and it will taste watery.

  • Hurry up and drink it, or the ice will melt and water it down.

  • You'd better drink it soon, or the ice will melt and it will taste weak.

食べ物に関して「味が薄い」と言う場合、通常使うのは bland や weak-tasting などですが、飲み物やスープ系に関しては、watery や water down が自然です。 英訳1:watery「水っぽい」という形容詞を添えて、melt and it will taste watery で「溶けて水っぽくなる」となります。 英訳2:water down「水で薄める」の間に(飲み物を指す)it を入れます。 英訳3:You'd better ~, or ~ で「〜しなよ。さもなければ〜だよ」というアドバイスの言い方です。 taste weak で「味が薄い」や「水っぽい」という意味になります。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • You may want to drink it quickly before it becomes watered down.

  • I recommend you drink it quickly because the ice will water down the flavor.

water down' (verb) and 'watered down' (adjective) are the phrases we use to refer to the lack of strong flavor a drink has after ice melted into it. When the ice melts into water, it takes away from the drink's good flavor, so we call it 'watered down'. For example: "I don't want my orange juice anymore. It's watered down." (adj.) "I don't want ice in my tea because it will water down the flavor after awhile." (verb)
氷が溶けて飲み物の味が薄くなることを表すときは、'water down'(動詞)と 'watered down'(形容詞)が使われます。 氷が溶けて水(water)になると、飲み物の味が薄くなるので、'watered down' と表します。 例えば: "I don't want my orange juice anymore. It's watered down." 「オレンジジュースはもういいや。氷が溶けて薄くなっちゃってる」(形容詞) "I don't want ice in my tea because it will water down the flavor after awhile."「お茶に氷は入れなくていいです、時間がたつと味が薄くなるので」(動詞)
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • I would suggest that you drink faster before the ice melts and over dilutes your drink.

I would suggest that you drink faster before the ice melts and over dilutes your drink. - This means you would like them to drink faster because the ice will melt and affect the taste of their drink. Dilute is a verb that means to make a liquid weaker by adding another liquid. For example:"Bleach can be diluted with cold water."
I would suggest that you drink faster before the ice melts and over dilutes your drink. -氷が溶けて味が薄くなるので早く飲んだほうがいいぞと相手に言う表現です。 Diluteは動詞で、希釈する、薄める、という意味です。 例 "Bleach can be diluted with cold water." ブリーチ剤が冷たい水に溶けた。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You better drink faster, the ice is about melt and the juice will be watery.

  • If you want to enjoy your drink, you better finish it before the ice melts.

>You better drink faster, the ice is about melt and the juice will be watery. *This is telling your friend that he she must drink quick other the ice will melt than it will taste like water. >If you want to enjoy your drink, you better finish it before the ice melts. *This is telling your friend that if he/she want to enjoy the drink than they must drink a little faster.
You better drink faster, the ice is about melt and the juice will be watery. 早く飲まないと氷が溶けて水のような味になってしまうという意味の表現です。 If you want to enjoy your drink, you better finish it before the ice melts. 友達に早く飲むとでより美味しく飲めるということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • That ice will quickly dilute the flavour of your drink!

  • If you don't want a really watery drink, you'll need to down that quickly!

To dilute = to make something weaker by adding something else. Yes, in a hot country when you are dying of thirst and finally get your hands on an ice cold drink, you want to savour the wonderful chilled flavour at its best! "Wow, this cola tastes just amazing!" "If you don't want a really watery drink, you'll need to down that quickly!" "I really don't care! As long as it's cold, it's wonderful. My priority is to cool down."
To dilute = 何か他のものを加えることによって弱くする、薄める。 暑い国で、喉が渇いて氷の冷たい飲み物を手に入れたら、すばらしい冷たい風味を最高に味わえるでしょう。 "Wow, this cola tastes just amazing!" "If you don't want a really watery drink, you'll need to down that quickly!" "I really don't care! As long as it's cold, it's wonderful. My priority is to cool down."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If you don't drink that soon the ice will melt and dilute the flavour

  • Hurry up and drink it or the ice will melt and water it down

When you have ice in your drink as soon as it starts to melt it makes the drink lose flavour as it 'dilutes' it or 'waters it down' this means there more ice water in the drink as it melts Diluting is when something has water added to lose it flavour or make the taste weaker/not so strong
飲み物の中の氷が溶けると、味が薄くなります。これは、水が飲み物を'water down/dilute'(薄める)するからです。 "dilute"とは、水で味が薄くなることを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • If you don't drink it now, the ice will melt to make it watery.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 If you don't drink it now, the ice will melt to make it watery. 「今飲まなかったら、氷が溶けて水っぽくなっちゃうよ」 のように表現しても良いと思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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