「思っている以上に大変」はharder than you thinkという言い方ができます。
家事(house chores)ってホント大変ですよね。
洗濯:do laundry
料理:cooking / 献立を立てる:coming up with a menu
食器洗い:do dishes
Doing laundry everyday is such hectic work.
Coming up with a menu everyday is such a pain.
My husband does the vacuuming and dishes.
House chores aren't as easy as you think = 家事ってあなたが思っている程楽じゃないんだから!
アメリカ英語だと家事= house chores/ housework
In American English, the term 'chores' if often used to talk about housework, so for example, vacuuming, mopping, doing the dishes and so on.
In British English, 'housework' is more commonly used.
A: Do you like doing housework?
B: I don't mind doing the dishes, but housework is not easy.
A:Do you like doing housework?
B:I don't mind doing the dishes, but housework is not easy.
Cleaning the house requires a lot of work, than most think.
"House work is not easy" this expression is very forward. Anyone should get the point. This expression is very common in the U.S. so you should have no problems with someone understanding. It is a very relaxed way of saying it.
"Cleaning the house requires a lot of work, than most think.." This expression is similar to the previous one with the exception that is more professional and polite. In this expression you are saying that most people think that house cleanning is easy but in reality is not.
”Housework is not easy."(家事は簡単ではない。)この表現は単刀直入に家事の大変さを表しています。この表現は、アメリカではよく使うので、相手はすぐに理解してくれるでしょう。とてもカジュアルな言い方です。
”Cleaning the house requires a lot of work than most think."(家をきれいにすることは人が思っている以上に大変なことだ。)こちらの表現は、上記例文と似ていますが、もっと丁寧な言い方です。多くの人々は家事は簡単だと思っているが、実はそうではない、ことを表しています。
Both of these answers are good for explaining that you find your house chores hard.
'Housework' or 'chores' may refer to any job that involves cleaning, organising, or paying bills. 'Chores' may also refer to doing work in the garden, such a mowing a lawn or preparing a garden for the summer.
I am not in the mood for house chores, they are too difficult.
Everyone has a different opinion about doing chores. Someone may think chores are fun and easy. If you want to explain that you think chores are hard then it will be helpful to give a few reasons why. You could say, for example, "My chores at home are hard because there are so many of them!". Another example could be, "Doing house chores is not easy because I have to clean up after my roommates." I hope this is helpful! Happy English learning!!
My chores at home are hard because there are so many of them!
Doing house chores is not easy because I have to clean up after my roommates.
When you want to explain that doing house chores is not easy, then you can say it in the following ways:
-Doing work around the house is not easy
-Getting chores done is not easy
-Doing house chores is not easy
●Doing work around the house is not easy.
●Getting chores done is not easy.
●Doing house chores is not easy.