世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/12/12 23:06
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  • Japan has a culture of eating blowfish (puffer fish).

Japan has a culture of eating blowfish (puffer fish). 他の表現を考えてみました。 今回は、「フグを食べる文化がある」という表現にしてみました。 フグは英語では「blowfish」「puffer fish」などといいます。どちらもフグ科の魚を指しますが、「blowfish」の方が口語的な表現となります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Pufferfish is delicious and popular in Japan.

むしろ「フグは美味しくて日本では人気です。」と訳してみました。 Pufferfish dishes; フグ料理 However, it's only cooked and prepared by a licensed chef due to its poison. けれども、毒のおかげでそれを料理できるのは免許を持った料理人だけです。
  • Japanese people like to eat blowfish.

  • Japanese people like to eat blowfish, which we call "fugu".

"Japanese people like to eat blowfish." This is a direct way of saying what you want to express. You can also add some more interesting detail to your sentence by adding: ",which we call "fugu"".
"Japanese people like to eat blowfish."(日本人はフグを食べるのが好きです) これは単刀直入な言い方です。また、この文に "which we call 'fugu'"(「フグ」と呼ばれる)という興味深い情報を加えることもできます。
Wolfgang DMM英会話講師
  • There is a dish that we eat in Japan called fugu, it is what you guys call pufferfish.

  • Have you ever eaten pufferfish before? We call it fugu in Japan.

  • Fugu or pufferfish is super popular in Japan.

All three responses are used as a way to explain what fugu is to non-Japanese speakers. The first response is more of an informative statement. The second response checks to see if the person has ever eaten the food, before explaining what it is called in Japan. The last one is something I would use as a response to, "What is a popular thing to eat in Japan?"
3例とも、日本語が分からない人にフグについて説明する言い方です。 一つ目の例はフグについての説明です。 二つ目の例では、その食べ物が日本で何と呼ばれているのか説明する前に、それを食べたことがあるかどうか相手に尋ねています。 最後の例は、"What is a popular thing to eat in Japan?"(日本で人気の食べ物は何ですか)という質問の答えとして使えます。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan, we eat pufferfish.

  • In Japan, pufferfish is a delicacy.

  • Traditional Japanese food includes pufferfish.

A delicacy is a specialty food item that is highly sought after and often expensive. Examples of a delicacy would be caviar or French escargot.
"delicacy" は非常に人気があってしばしば高額な珍しい食べ物をいいます。"delicacy" の例として、キャビアやエスカルゴがあります。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Fugu,or blowfish ,is part of Japanese cuisine

  • In Japan, we eat fugu, which is pufferfish

  • Pufferfish is one of the dishes enjpyed by Japanese people

These are some of the ways you can explain the dish and the fact that it forms part of Japanese culture.You are free to use the Japanese word for the dish as long as you can explain what it contains or explain the history behind it.You could also explain the taste and texture as well as the reason why people prefer this kind of seafood.
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • It's common in Japan to eat fugu, which is pufferfish in English.

Sometimes, words don't provide a direct translation and so it's good to mention the word in your native language as well as the English translation so that if the person who you are talking to is interested, they can look up recipes and pictures. It's possible that if they look up the word in English that they will have different results. I hope that this helps. :)
時として直訳では同じ意味が伝わらないことがあります。ですから、英訳とともにオリジナルの名前も教えてあげるといいでしょう。そうすれば、相手はもし興味があれば、そのレシピや写真を検索することができます。これは英訳で検索したときとは異なる結果になることがあります。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
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