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2016/12/13 19:39
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  • (1) He's a good person at heart.

  • (2) She's basically a nice girl.

★ 直訳と意訳 (1) 「彼は心の部分ではいい人です」 「彼は根はいい人です」 (2)「彼女は基本的には良い少女だ」 これも(1) と同様に「根がいい子だ」 と考えることができます。 ★ 表現 ・ at heart 「心の底では、本当は」 日本語に直訳しても分かりやすい表現ですよね。意訳をすると「根は、心根は」という意味にもなります。 また英訳例では good を使いましたが、kind などの他の語でも大丈夫ですし、次のように person を使わずに言うこともできます。 He's very nice at heart. ・ basically「基本的に」 以上です。お役に立てれば幸いです。
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • She has mean look but actually she is a softy.

  • He appears to be very aggressive but very kind at heart when you get to know him.

  • The kid got a mean mug(face) among his friends, but is a mommies boy actually.

It is a global or should a human nature in most humans to give off a mean impression especially if they are in foreign company or they do not know you. But do not be quick to judge a person until you get to know them.:)
Carey M DMM英会話講師
  • She/He means well.

  • At her core, she's a good person.

If somebody "means well," they aren't trying to be mean, or they don't realize they are being mean. They are actually trying to be nice and helpful. In other words, someone is trying to be nice and helpful, but they are actually making others angry.
mean well は、mean(意地悪)になろうとしているとか、気づかないうちにmean(意地悪)になっているという意味ではありません。mean wellは、人に親切で助けたりしようとしている人の意味なのです。言い換えると、親切にしようとしているけれど、実際は他の人のことを怒らせてしまいます。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • 1. They're a sheep in wolf's clothing

  • 2. Their intimidating facade belies their good nature

1. This is an inversion of the phrase: a wolf in sheep's clothing. A Wolf in sheep's clothing is an idiom of Biblical origin used to describe those playing a role contrary to their real character with whom contact is dangerous, particularly false teachers. The moral drawn is that one's basic nature eventually betrays itself. 2. Facade = exterior or face. belie = fail to give a true impression of (something). "His lively, alert manner belied his years."
1. これは、 a wolf in sheep's clothing. (羊の皮をきた狼)の反対の言葉ですね。 A Wolf in sheep's clothing は、聖書からきた言葉で、偽教師など、危険な本当の性質とは裏腹に現実では普通に役割をこなしている人を表現する時に使います。自分の本当の性質に嘘をついています。 2. Facade = 外側、表の顔 belie = 本当の印象を与えない "His lively, alert manner belied his years." 彼の生き生きとして敏感な所作は、彼の年を全く感じさせない。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • never judge a book by its cover.

This means that you should not judge people just by their outside appearance. People are not always what they appear outside.
外見で人を判断してはいけないという意味の表現です。 人の外見と内面は違いますからね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Hard on the outside but soft on the inside

  • He/She has a hard outer shell

When someone appears difficult to get along with or mean but inside has a genuine kind heart, the person can be said to be: 'Hard on the outside but soft on the inside' You can also say 'He/She has a hard out shell.' Many fruits have a hard outer layer but are very tasty on the inside. Coconuts have a very hard outer shell but inside is the soft jelly of the coconut with the coconut water. I hope that helps!
付き合いづらそうだったり意地悪そうに思えても、内面は優しい心を持っている人のことを Hard on the outside but soft on the inside ということができます。 また、He/She has a hard out shell. とも言うことができます。 外側の皮は堅いけれど中身はとても美味しい果物はたくさんあります。ココナッツは外側は堅いですが、中はココナッツジュースと柔らかいゼリー状のココナッツです。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • He's a nice person on the inside.

  • Don't judge a book by its cover.

  • She might be a bit rough around the edges but is good at heart.

Saying that someone is "rough around the edges" means they might not seem good or perfect but might not be true underneath the surface. Whereas when you say "don't judge a book by its cover" means don't judge a person by there appearance.
"rough around the edges"とは、ある人がいい人ではない、完璧ではないようだけれど、本当はそうではないかもしれないという意味です。 一方"don't judge a book by its cover" は、見た目で人を判断してはいけないという意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • He/she may seem unkind but has a heart of gold

  • You can't judge a book by its cover

A heart of gold is an expression to describe someone who is very kind and caring You can't judge a book by its cover means that how a person appears does not necessarily convey their personality. They may be quite different than you first thought, once you get to know them
A heart of gold とは、すごく優しくて気遣ってくれる人を指します。 You can't judge a book by its cover とは、本は表紙じゃわからないという意味から、その人の本当の性格は見た目ではわからない、という意味です。よくよく人は見かけにはよらないものですよね。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • A) Appearances are often misleading.

  • B)Looks are deceiving.

  • C)Don’t just scratch the surface.

A) Appearances are often misleading. - Things can look different from the way they really are B)Looks are deceiving. - used to say that something can be very different from how it seems or appears to be. Example- The restaurant doesn't look very appealing, but looks can be deceiving/deceptive. C)Don’t just scratch the surface. - To barely begin; to see or do only a fraction of what is possible. Example-This beginners' course only scratches the surface of the subject. I hope this helps :-)
"A)外観はしばしば誤解を招く。 - 物事は実際とは違って見えます B)外見は欺かれている。 - 何かが、それがどのように見えているかという事と非常に異なる可能性があるということ。 例 - レストランは非常に魅力的ではありませんが、外見は欺瞞的/欺瞞的である可能性があります。 C)表面的な事だけで論じないで - やっと始めたばかり。 可能なことのほんの一部しかみない、またはほんの一部しか行わない。 例 - この初心者コースでは本題のほんのさわりだけを紹介している。 お役に立てれば幸いです :-)"
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • They are not as bad as they look.

A persons appearance may make them seem as unkind or unapproachable. however when you get to know them you get to see their good qualities such as being friendly, helpful etc.
Kweena DMM英会話講師
  • He/she is not what you would expect him/her to be like.

  • Deep down, he/she is actually a great person and very kind hearted.

  • It might not seem like it, but he/she is actually a great person.

He/she is not what you would expect him/her to be like. In this case, "expect" means what you think the person would be like (and maybe not what they are actually like). So the meaning of this sentence is that the person is actually not the type of person you would think/expect them to be. Deep down, he/she is actually a great person and very kind hearted. "Kind hearted" is a term many native speakers use to describe someone who cares for others and has a good heart. "Actually" is an adverb that is used to contradict someone. In this sentence, you are correcting the person's misconception of her/him. You are saying that what they think of the person is in fact not true and that they are actually very kind and deep down has a good heart. It might not seem like it, but he/she is actually a great person. If something is not like it seems, that the impression you have is not entirely correct. So in this case, it means that your impression of the person is wrong and that he/she is actually kind and a good person. An impression is an idea that you have, without really knowing all of the details.
He/she is not what you would expect him/her to be like.(彼/彼女は実際は全然違う人だよ) この文では、"Expect" は「イメージしている人(もしかしたら実際とは違うかもしれません)」を表します。ですから、この文は「その人は実際は全然違う人だ」という意味です。 ~~~~~~~~~ Deep down, he/she is actually a great person and very kind hearted.(彼/彼女は根はすごく優しくていい人です) "Kind hearted" はよく使われる表現です。思いやりのある心根の優しい人を指します。 "Actually" は、相手に反論するときに使われる副詞です。この文では、その人に対する誤解を正しています。「その人はあなたの思っているような人ではなく、思いやりのある心根の優しい人です」と伝えています。 ~~~~~~~~~ It might not seem like it, but he/she is actually a great person.(そうは見えないかもしれませんが、彼/彼女は実際はすごくいい人です) "Something is not like it seems" は、「あなたの持っているイメージは必ずしも正しくない」という意味です。この場合は、「あなたの持っているイメージと違い、彼/彼女は実際は優しくていい人だ」と言っています。 "Impression" は、詳しく分からない段階での「イメージ/印象」をいいます。
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • You can't judge a book by its cover.

You can't judge a book by its cover - This means you can't know what someone or something is like just by only looking at appearance's. Just because someone or something looks bad on the outside doesn't mean its the same on the inside.
You can't judge a book by its cover は、人や物を見た目だけで判断することはできないという意味です。その見た目が良くないからという理由だけで、中身もそうとは限りません。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
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