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手や顔を洗った後に、タオルで拭くのをいやがっで逃げようとする子供に、 「ほら!ちゃんと手を拭いて!」 「ちゃんと顔を拭かないとだめよ!」 みたいなニュアンスで言いたいです。 よろしくお願いします。
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2016/12/17 12:28
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  • Please wipe your hands.

  • You need to wipe your face too!

手を拭いてください。 顔もふかないとだよ~! という言い方になります。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • Dry your hands properly!

  • Make sure you dry your hands properly!

  • Did you dry your hands properly?

dry を、「乾かす」という動詞として使うことができますよ。 Make sure ...は、「間違いなく…するように」というニュアンスの表現です。 英訳3は、「ちゃんと手を拭いた?」という質問形です。 また、「顔」を拭くように言いたいなら、hands を face に入れ替えればOKです。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • You need to wipe your sticky hands and face - ugh!

  • Don't wipe your face on your tee shirt, you little monkey!

  • Come here and clean youself up!

Children always love it when you give them chocolate or ice cream, but some of them, especially the younger ones, may be a little messy! "Johnny, look at your hands! And your face! What a chocolatey mess!" "It melted mummy!" "We don't wipe your face on your tee shirt, you little monkey! Come here and clean youself up!"
子供はチョコレートやアイスをあげられると喜ぶものですが、時に、特に小さい子は食べてると汚くしちゃうものですよね。 例 "Johnny, look at your hands! And your face! What a chocolatey mess!" ジョニー、手と顔を見なさい。チョコレートまみれよ。 "It melted mummy!" 溶けちゃったんだママぁ! "We don't wipe your face on your tee shirt, you little monkey! Come here and clean youself up!" Tシャツでお顔を拭いちゃだめよ、おサルさんったら!おいでなさい、今綺麗にしてあげるから。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When you are done washing your hands, you must dry it.

  • Dry you face properly after you have washed it.

▪When you are done washing your hands, you must dry it. Done= completed or finished you must=you should ▪Dry you face properly after you have washed it. properly=thoroughly or completely
▪When you are done washing your hands, you must dry it. 手を洗ったら、必ず拭きなさい。 Done= 完了した。終わった。 you must= 〜しなければならない。 ▪Dry you face properly after you have washed it. 顔を洗ったらきちんと拭きなさい。 properly= 完全に。十分に。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Dry your hands off after washing them!

  • Don't forget to dry your hands!

"Dry your hands off after washing them!" This is a good way to remind a child to get all the water off their hands after washing them! You can change the word hands for face, arms, neck, etc. "Don't forget to dry your hands!" Don't - short for "Do not." A reminder to not forget to dry your hands.
"Dry your hands off after washing them!" 手を洗ったら、拭きなさい。 これは、子供に手洗いの後に手を拭くのを忘れないように伝えるいい表現です。handsをface(顔)、arms(腕)、neck(首)など置き換えることができます。   "Don't forget to dry your hands!" 手を拭くのを忘れないでね! Don't -  "Do not."の短縮形で、~しないでという意味です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • You need to wipe your face/hands after washing it/them

  • It's important that you wipe your hands and face after washing them

You can explain to the child the reasons why it's important that they wipe when they are wet. You can say, for example: -It's important that you wipe your hands and face after washing them; otherwise you will be dirty again. -You need to wipe your face/hands after washing it/them.
子供に手がぬれているとき、なぜ拭かないといけないのか理由を説明するときの表現です。 -It's important that you wipe your hands and face after washing them; otherwise you will be dirty again. 手や顔を洗ったあとに拭くのは大事だよ。そうしないとまた汚れてしまうから。 -You need to wipe your face/hands after washing it/them. 手/顔を洗ったあとに拭かないといけないよ。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • You must dry your hands.

  • Grown ups have to dry their hands, like this...

After washing your hands, you dry them with a towel or hand dryer to get the water off. You could show them how you dry your hands, and say, "Grown ups have to dry our hands too, like this..." .
手を洗った後は、水分を取り除くために、タオルかハンドドライヤーで手を乾かしますね。 どう手を乾かすのかやってみせて、こんな風に言ってもいいかもしれません: "Grown ups have to dry our hands too, like this..." . 〔訳〕大人もこうやって手を乾かさないといけないんだよ...
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • Please thoroughly dry your hands and face with a towel after you have washed them, darling .

  • Please don't forget to dry your hands and face after you have washed them.

When asking one to do something it is important to remember etiquette like please and thank you. To ask someone to dry his or her hands you may simply ask; Please thoroughly dry your hands and face with a towel after you have washed them, darling. Please don't forget to dry your hands and face after you have washed them. Could you please dry them after to please? Making use of words like thoroughly or properly are useful. thoroughly-from top to bottom or in great detail.
人に何かをするようお願いする時は「please」「thank you」といったエチケットが大切です。 手を拭くようにお願いする場合は: Please thoroughly dry your hands and face with a towel after you have washed them, darling. 〔訳〕洗った後はタオルで手や顔をきちんと拭いてね Please don't forget to dry your hands and face after you have washed them. 〔訳〕洗った後は手や顔を拭くことを忘れないでね Could you please dry them after to please? 〔訳〕お願いだから、後で手や顔を拭いてくれる? 「thoroughly」「properly」のような語を使うと、便利です。 thoroughly-上から下まで、綿密に
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
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