世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/18 15:48
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  • Is that what's in right now?

  • Is that the new trend?

  • Is that a thing now?

Is that what's in right now? = それが今の流行りなの? ルー大柴風に言うと「それ今インしてるの?」と言った感じです。日常会話ではよく使われるので覚えておきましょう。 Is that the new trend? = それが新しいトレンドなの? Is that a thing now? = それって結構一般的なの? 一見すると「それって今物なの?」と思えますが、この場合"a thing"とは前は形のなかったものが形を得た、と言う意味合いがあります。 例:I've seen so many girls wearing ridiculously bright pink lipstick recently, but is that a thing now? = 最近若い女の子で嘘だろってくらいピンクな口紅している子をよく見掛けるけど、あれって流行ってるの?
  • Is that in season now?

  • Is that trending now?

  • It that the latest style?

それって、今の季節の流行? Is that in season now? それって今流行ってるの? Is that trending now? →ファッションじゃなくて、良好言葉、記事、ニューズなど Is that the latest style? それって今流行ってるの(ファッション、ヘアスタイル、メイクなど)
  • So, is that the new "it" trend?

  • Is that's what's "in" now?

  • Is that the latest fashion?

In the first two sentences, the words in quotation marks, "it" and "in" are commonly used to describe the most recent trend, almost always regarding to fashion or style, especially among young people.. In the second sentence "in" is referring to "in-style", but can be shortened to just "in" during plain speech. The third sentence is a simple form of asking if an outfit is the newest "hot topic."
はじめの2つの文は、 "it" と "in"にクオーテーションマークがついていますが、特に若者の間で、 ファッションやスタイルに関するときはほとんど常に、最新のトレンドとして一般的に使われます。 2つ目の文の "in" は、 "in-style"(流行の)を指しますが、普通の会話ではただ "in" と省略されます。 3つ目の文は、ファッションが最新の注目であるのかを尋ねるシンプルな方法です。
Lindsay Marie DMM英会話講師
  • That outfit seems all the rage right now

  • That style is the flavour of the month

  • Everyone's into that style right now

All the rage =to be very popular at a particular time: 'Long hair for men was all the rage in the 70s.' Flavour of the month = a person or thing that enjoys a short period of great popularity. "American sitcoms are currently flavour of the month" synonyms: all the rage, the latest thing, the fashion, the trend, in vogue, in (great) demand; To be into something = If you're into something, it means you really like it. 'I'm into listening to music.'
All the rage=特定の時間に非常に人気がある 'Long hair for men was all the rage in the 70s.' 「男性の長髪は70年代にすごく人気だった。」 Flavour of the month=短期間で大人気になった人、物。 "American sitcoms are currently flavour of the month" "アメリカンシトコムは現在や大人気だ。" 同義語:all the rage, the latest thing, the fashion, the trend, in vogue, in (great) demand; To be into something =すごく好きだ 'I'm into listening to music.' 「私は音楽が大好きです」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is this the in thing at the moment?

  • Is this the latest fashion?

"Is this the in thing at the moment. Asks them if this is what is popular now. "In thing" means popular. "Is this the latest fashion?" means is this what everyone is wearing now.
"Is this the in thing at the moment. これが今人気なんですか、と尋ねる表現です。 "In thing" は人気のある、という意味です。 "Is this the latest fashion?" これはみんなが着ている流行という意味です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Is that outfit in fashion, at the moment?

  • Is that outfit fashionable at the moment?

Is that outfit in fashion, at the moment? - if an item of clothing is 'in fashion' it is popular or what people are wearing, currently. Clothing can be 'in fashion' (popular) or 'out of fashion' (not popular). An example sentence- Mini-skirts were in fashion in the 1960's. Is that outfit fashionable at the moment? - Another way of saying the same thing is to ask if something is 'fashionable'. Example sentence- Mini-skirts were very fashionable in the 1960's but are not so fashionable anymore. They are out of fashion.
Is that outfit in fashion, at the moment?- もし服がin fashionであれば、それは人気でみんなが今着ている流行の服という意味です。 in fashionは人気で、out of fasionは人気ではない、という意味です。 例 Mini-skirts were in fashion in the 1960's. ミニスカは60年代の流行だ。 Is that outfit fashionable at the moment? これは流行かどうかを尋ねる直接的な言い方です。 例 Mini-skirts were very fashionable in the 1960's but are not so fashionable anymore. They are out of fashion. ミニスカは1960年代の頃は流行だったけど、今はそうでもない。 むしろ遅れている。
Silvanat DMM英会話講師
  • Is this style a trend at the moment/right now?

  • Is this in right now?

  • Is that the new trend?

When you're asking about a trend in style, then you can ask in the following ways: -Is this style a trend at the moment? -Is that/this in right now? -Is that the new trend (for fall)?
以下は、トレンドのスタイルについての表現です。 -Is this style a trend at the moment? このスタイルは今流行っているの? -Is that/this in right now? これ/あれは、今の流行りなの? -Is that the new trend (for fall)? あれって秋の新しいトレンドなの?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Is that outfit in vogue now?

  • Are those clothes a trendy style these days?

"Is that outfit in vogue now?" asks a person if a certain type of clothes are popular nowadays. "in vogue" means popular or trendy today.
"Is that outfit in vogue now?" (その洋服今の流行りなの?) 洋服が流行なのかどうかを尋ねることができる文章です。 "in vogue"=人気の、流行。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Is this in right now?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Is this in right now? 」 =今の流行りなの? (例文)Is this in right now? // Yeah. It's quite comfortable. (訳)今の流行りなの?//うん、結構履き心地いいよ。 単語: right now 今 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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