Everything is okay, so I'll have a continuation of the last dream in a few minutes ago.
間違ってるとこは遠慮なく言ってください^ ^
宜しくお願いします^ ^
It seems like everything is OK and there's no need to wake up soon. Well then, I'll go back to sleep and see the rest of the dream I was seeing.
It seems like everything is OK and there's no need to wake up soon. Well then, I'll close my eyes again and see the rest of my dream.
Everything is okay, so I'll have a continuation of the last dream in a few minutes ago.
It seems like everything is OK and there's no need to wake up soon. Well then, I'll go back to sleep and see the rest of the dream I was seeing.
夢の続きは、通常 rest of dream= 夢の残り のように言います。
I'll go back to my sleep の代わりに
I will close my eyes again と言っても良いかもしれません。
Well then, I'll close my eyes again and see the rest of my dream.
I’m in no rush, so I guess I’ll just see the rest of my dream.
❶ I’m in no rush, so I guess I’ll just see the rest of my dream.
文の中の so I guess は「〜とするか」というニュアンスです。