世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 16:58
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  • Don't tell anyone!

  • I don't want you to tell anyone this.

  • Make sure this stays between us.

Don't tell anyone! 誰にも言わないで! I don't want you to tell anyone this. これから言うことを誰にも言わないで欲しい。 などの言い方ができます。他の面白い表現として Make sure this stays between us. 二人だけの秘密にしてね。 This is between you and me. 二人だけの秘密ね。 「between us」や「between you and me」で「二人の間だけの秘密」「ここだけの話」というニュアンスになります!
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • could u keep a secret for this?

  • Can you keep a secret?

Keep a secretで秘密を守るという意味になります! ps: can u keep a secretは宇多田ヒカルさんの曲の一つにもありますね。これで意識して貰えれは覚えやすいと思います。
  • Don't tell anyone

  • Just between you and me....

You could simply say "Don't tell anyone" and "Let's keep it a secret" at the end. When people say "Don't tell anyone" they usually add "but" afterwards.. For example: "Hey, don't tell anyone but I like that girl that sits next to me in class" "Hey don't tell anyone but I just bought a ticket to go to Egypt this summer" And you could also say "Just between you and me...." and add the secret to it like: "Just between you and me, I stole a bag of chips from the convenience store" "Just between you and me, I bought a new play station 4 for my brother's birthday"
最後に「Don't tell anyone」と「Let's keep it a secret」と言うことができます。 人々は「Don't tell anyone」と言うとき、通常は「but」追加します。 例えば、 "ねえ、誰にも言わないで、クラスで隣に座っている女の子が好きなんだけど" "ちょっと誰にも言わないで、今夏にエジプトに行くための切符を買ったんだ" そして、あなたは"Just between you and me...."と言うこともできます。 「二人だけの秘密だけど、私コンビニエンスストアからポテトチップスの袋を盗んだの」 「二人だけの秘密だけど、私は弟の誕生日に新しいプレイステーション4を買ったの」
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • This is private, please don't tell anyone.

  • This stays between us.

  • This is confidential information.

When you explain that a matter is private, your friend should already know that you do not want the information to be shared with others. Just in case they think other close friends may be acceptable to tell, asking them not to tell anyone is the safest thing to do. Saying "this stays between us" is a casual expression to use with a friend, while "this is confidential" may sound a little more formal, but is still used quite often.
"This is private" と言えば、すぐに「これは他の人には言ってはいけないことだ」と伝わります。万が一「親友なら大丈夫かな」と思われた時のために "Don't tell anyone" も言っておけば、安心です。 "This stays between us" は友達に対して使うカジュアルな表現です。"This is confidential" はそれよりも少しフォーマルな響きになるかもしれません、ただよく使われます。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • Keep it to yourself!

  • Don't tell anyone!

  • It's between you and me!

A "I want to tell you a secret but it's strictly between you and me, OK?" B " Yeh sure. You can always rely on me to keep a secret." A " But seriously, don't tell anyone. Do you promise? B " Of course. I'll keep it to myself. So tell me, what is it?"
A "I want to tell you a secret but it's strictly between you and me, OK?" 秘密を教えるけど、君と僕だけの間だけだからね! B " Yeh sure. You can always rely on me to keep a secret." もちろんわかってるさ。口は堅いほうだから安心してよ。 A " But seriously, don't tell anyone. Do you promise? けどマジで、誰にも言わないって約束してくれる? B " Of course. I'll keep it to myself. So tell me, what is it?" もちろんさ。墓場まで持ってくよ。さ、教えてくれ。一体どうしたんだい?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't tell anybody this, but...

  • Just between you and me...

If you want to tell someone not to tell anybody else a secret just before telling them, you can say: "Please don't tell anybody this, but..." "Just between you and me..."
「これから言うことは他の誰にも言わないでね」は、次のように言えます。 "Please don't tell anybody this, but..."(これは誰にも言わないでね...) "Just between you and me..."(ここだけの話だけど...)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Will you promise that you won't tell anyone?

  • This is between you and me

Will you promise that you won't tell anyone? =誰にも言わないって約束してくれる? anyoneの代わりにa soulと言うともう少し誰にも知られたくない感が増します。Soulは魂と言う意味なので、人に教えないどころかもう本当誰にも言わない、と言った感じです。 This is between you and me =これは私達の間の話だよ これだけだとあまり秘密感がないので This is between you and me, don't tell ANYONE などと強調して言った方が安心かもしれません。
  • Please don’t say anything!

  • Keep this between us!

  • You can’t tell anyone!

To express to someone that you don’t want them to tell anyone your secret it’snecessary to use the above sentences. When expressing it this way they will see how serious it is that they don’t tell anyone.
Catrice DMM英会話講師
  • This is just between you and me.

  • This is just for your ears only, please don't tell anyone else.

  • This is a secret, please don't divulge it to anyone else.

If you want to tell someone that the information you are giving him/her is secret and should not be told to anyone else, and you don't want to mention the noun 'secret', you may just say: This is just between you and me. or This is just for your ears only, please don't tell anyone else. However, sometimes you might want to put it succinctly and include the noun 'secret' and say: This is a secret, please don't divulge it to anyone else. The verb to 'divulge' means to 'make secret information known'.
これから言う情報が秘密のことで、他の誰にも話して欲しくないと誰かに言いたいのであれば、 'secret'という名詞は言いたくないでしょう。ただこう言えば良いのです。 例文 This is just between you and me. この話はここだけの話しね。 又は This is just for your ears only, please don't tell anyone else. この話はあなただけに言っているから、他の誰にも言わないで。 でも簡潔に言いたい時もあるでしょう。その時は'secret' という名詞を使ってこう言います。 例文 This is a secret, please don't divulge it to anyone else. これは秘密だからね。他の誰にも言わないで。 'divulge' という動詞は、秘密の情報を漏らすということです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Please do not share this with anyone else.

  • This secret is only for you so please do not share with anyone else.

  • Please keep this to yourself.

Example sentence: I want to share a secret with you but please promise not to share it with anyone else. I am sharing this secret only with you, so please refrain from sharing this with others. I have a secret to share with you but please keep it to yourself.
例文 I want to share a secret with you but please promise not to share it with anyone else. あなたに秘密を話したいんだけど、誰にも言わないって約束して。 I am sharing this secret only with you, so please refrain from sharing this with others. この秘密をあなたにだけ話すけど、誰にも言わないようにして。 I have a secret to share with you but please keep it to yourself. あなたに話しておきたい秘密があるんだけど、他の人に言わないでね。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Promise me that your lips are sealed.

  • Don't whisper a word of this to anyone else.

  • Please don't repeat this to anyone. I am telling you this in confidence.

All of the above sentences can be used when asking someone to keep a secret. My lips are sealed: is an idiomatic expression used in response when someone asks you to keep a secret. If you say "Promise me that your lips are sealed, you are asking a person not to reveal what they are being told in anyway. Don't whisper a word is another idiom. Whisper means speak very quietly. When we say "Don;t whisper a word" of this, we are saying don't even say it quietly to someone. Keep it to yourself.
これらは全て、秘密にしておいてほしいことを伝えるときに使うことができます。 "My lips are sealed"(誰にも言わないよ)は「誰にも言わないでね」に対する返答として使うことができるイディオムです。"Promise me that your lips are sealed" と言うと、「これから言うことは誰にも言わないでね」という意味になります。 "Don't whisper a word" もイディオムです。"whisper" は「小さな声で話す」という意味です。"Don't whisper a word" で「小声で言っても駄目」→「内緒にしておいて」となります。
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • I am going to tell you something, but please don't repeat it to anyone.

  • Please don't tell anyone what I am about to tell you.

If you would like to tell someone a secret but do not want them telling other people, you can say something like "I am going to tell you something, but please don't repeat it to anyone." or "Please don't tell anyone what I am about to tell you.".
秘密にしておいてほしいことを人に伝えるときには、次のように言えます。 "I am going to tell you something, but please don't repeat it to anyone."(これから言うことは他の誰にも言わないでね) "Please don't tell anyone what I am about to tell you."(これから言うことは他の誰にも言わないでね)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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