世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/19 20:26
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  • I don't feel well because I drank too much.

  • I drank too much, so I don't feel well.

「お酒を飲む」という意味を「drink」一語で表すことが出来ます。 drink too much:お酒を飲み過ぎる 一方、「気持ち悪い」は、「気分が悪い(feel sick)」/「気分が良くない(do not feel well)」と表現すれば良いでしょう。
Akira Kagami 英語求道士
  • I had too much to drink and now I'm not feeling well.

  • I got wasted and now I don't feel too good.

  • I got hammered and now I'm paying for it.

英訳1:I had too much to drink. は「飲みすぎた」という時に使うよくある言い回し。too much to drink で、多すぎる飲むもの(酒)を表します。 英訳2:get wasted や be wasted で「酔っ払う」という意味になります。wasted は「役に立たない」だけでなく、スラングで「酔っ払う」の意味があります。 英訳3:形容詞の hammered には「酔っ払った」という意味。get hammered や be hammered の形で使います。pay for it で「罰が当たる」になるので、不調を暗示していますね。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • 1. I feel hungover.

  • 2. I've drunk too much and my head's pounding.

  • 3. I don't feel so good - I think I overdid it a bit!

1. A hangover - 'I have a hangover'; 'I feel hungover':. A temporary, unpleasant physical condition, typically characterized by headache and nausea, following the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol. 2. "My head's pounding." - Pounding = rhythmical beating or throbbing. "All she could hear was the pounding of her heart." 3. To overdo it = to do too much of something; to overtax one's strength, capacity, etc. In this case, you overdid the drinking - you drank too much.
1. A hangover - 'I have a hangover'; 'I feel hungover':. お酒の摂取によって一時的に頭痛や吐き気といった症状がでて体の状態が悪いこと。二日酔い。 2. "My head's pounding." - 頭がずきずきする。 Pounding = ズキズキする。ドキドキする。リズムで波打つ "All she could hear was the pounding of her heart." 彼女は自分の波打つ鼓動しか聞こえなかった。 3. To overdo it =なにかをやりすぎてしまうこと、自分の持っているキャパシティや身体的能力を超えて負荷をかけること、アルコールに関していえば、それは飲みすぎということになる。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was lit last night and now I feel horrible!

  • I got wasted last night and now I am suffering!

"I was lit last night and now I feel horrible!" "Lit" is slang for getting very drunk. We can use the words horrible, terrible, awful, nasty or unpleasant to describe how we are feeling. "I got wasted last night and now I am suffering!" "Got wasted" is another term to explain getting very drunk, we can also use, got blind drunk or I am under the influence of alcohol. "Suffering" you are now feeling the effects of all that alcohol consumption and it doesn't feel very good.
"I was lit last night and now I feel horrible! ""lit""=まっすぐ歩けないくらいにすごく酔っ払っている、というスラング。 ""horrible"", ""terrible"", ""awful"", ""nasty"",""unpleasant "" これらの言葉は、自分が今どのように感じているかを表す言葉です。 訳:昨夜はすごく酔っ払って今ひどい気分だ。 I got wasted last night and now I am suffering! ""get wasted"" もとても酔っっぱらっている,ベロンベロンという意味です。 ここでの""suffer""は、お酒をたくさん飲んだ結果、気分が悪くなり、それを今味わっている、という意味で使われています。 訳:昨日ベロベロになるまで飲んで、今それにやられている(気持ち悪い)。 「すごく酔っ払っている」という表現は、 ""get blind drunk"" や ""be under the influence of alcohol"" なんて言い方もあります。 "
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I'm Hungover

  • A Hangover

example "i feel so hungover". or "i have a terrible hangover" when you drink too much and have a bad headache and feel sick, it's called a hangover.
例文 "I feel so hungover". 二日酔いが本当にひどい "I have a terrible hangover" ひどい二日酔いだ お酒を飲みすぎて、頭痛がひどく気分が悪いことをhangover(二日酔い)と言います。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • A) I have a hangover.

  • B) I feel like I've been hit by a train, i drank way too much

A) I have a hangover. *Hangover -a severe headache or other after-effects caused by drinking an excess of alcohol. B) I feel like I've been hit by a train, i drank way too much I feel like I've been hit by a train - This is an expression indicating that you feel really bad. I hope this helps :-)
A) I have a hangover. 二日酔いです。 *Hangover -ひどい頭痛などの症状が過度のアルコール摂取によっておこること。 B) I feel like I've been hit by a train, i drank way too much もうほんとにだめだ。(まるで電車にはねられたみたいに)飲みすぎちゃった I feel like I've been hit by a train は本当に気分が悪いという慣用句。 参考になりますように
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I have a hangover.

  • I'm a little bit delicate at the moment.

  • I'm a little fragile. I'm twisted. I'm smashed. I'm crisp like a lettuce.

"I have a hangover." - Standard way of saying you had too much to drink the night before. "I'm a little bit delicate at the moment."- This is a metaphor & one I use. It is like a flower petal that is easy to break. "I'm a little fragile." "I'm twisted." "I'm smashed." "I'm crisp like a lettuce." - These are all good phrases that say you had too much too drink the night before or even at present.
例文 "I have a hangover." 二日酔いです 前の晩にお酒を飲みすぎたと言う定番の言い方です。 例文 "I'm a little bit delicate at the moment." 今は少し弱っています これは比喩的な表現です。壊れやすい花びらの様です。 "I'm a little fragile." "I'm twisted." "I'm smashed." "I'm crisp like a lettuce." も全て前の晩又は現在お酒を飲みすぎたと言うのに良いフレーズです。
Jacques DMM英会話講師

  • I feel so nauseous after last nights drinking session hangover is killing me

We often feel terribly " Hungover" the day after we drink too much ! A headache and "the shakes" Plus a "Weak stomach" are the symtoms we might experience... "The day after, the night before";-D This is when we regret imbibing far too much!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I feel sick because I drank too much.

「気持ちが悪い」はsickで表現することもできます。 ご参考までになれば幸いです。
  • I feel a tad hungover.

  • I drank too much, I do not feel well.

"I feel a tad hungover"- When we use the word a tad, we are using it to say that we are a lot of something. So, for example, if you say " I am a tad mad", you mean to say that you are a great deal mad. "Hungover" is a colloquial term for drinking too much and suffering the next day of sickness. "I drank too much, I do not feel well. "- This sentence means the exact same as the one above. You are stating plainly that you were inebriated and that you do not feel well because of it. Thank you for your question!
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I have a pounding headache

  • I drank too much last night and now I am very hung-over

Most of us can relate to times that we have overdone it with drink. When we start to drink we feel happy and sociable and the more we drink, the better we feel. This depends on the person of course. A "pounding" headache is a strong pain in our head that gives us the sensation that somebody is hitting something repeatedly in our head. "Hung-over" has the same meaning as a headache but it is only used when the reason for having one is due to drinking too much alcohol
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I drank to much, now I feel sick.

  • I drank to much, now I feel hungover.

It is common when people consume too much alcohol they will feel unwell. When you use the phrase: hungover, this describes when you feel sick the morning/day after a night out drinking. When you are hungover it is normal to have a headache, vomit, have no appetite and want to sleep/not do anything.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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