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レッスン講師に 「残念ですが、あと3分でレッスン終了時間です」 あるいは 「残念ですが、もうすぐレッスン時間が終わってしまいます」と伝える場合の表現を教えて下さい。
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2017/03/11 08:11
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  • 1. Sadly, we have to finish the lesson in 3 minutes.

  • 2. Unfortunately, it's time to finish the lesson.

「残念ですが」は Sadly または Unfortunatelyどちらでも同じような意味です。 1. Sadly, we have to finish the lesson in 3 minutes. in 3 minutes のように、[ in + 時間、期間] で残り時間を表現することが できます。 例: My driver's licesence expires in 10 days 「あと10日で運転免許が切れる」  I'll be going to Paris in 1 week. 「あと1週間でパリに行く」 2.Unfortunately, it's time to finish the lesson. 残念ですが、もうレッスンを終わらせる時間です。 It's time to-- 「~する時間」 It's time start the lesson. レッスンを始める時間です。 It's time to go to school. 学校に行く時間です。
  • I see we are running out of time teacher.

  • It is almost time to end the lesson.

>▪I see we are running out of time teacher. This means that there are still so much to do from the lesson material but the time is almost finish. >▪It is almost time to end the lesson. This means that there are only a few more minutes left before the end of the lesson.
▪I see we are running out of time teacher. レッスンの教材でやることがまだたくさんあるものの、時間が終わりそうだということを伝える例文です。 ▪It is almost time to end the lesson. レッスン修了までにもう数分しかないことを伝える例文です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The lesson is almost coming to an end.

  • The lesson is almost over.

The lesson is almost coming to an end.- If something is coming to an end it means that it is almost finished.So when the lesson is left with a few minutes you use this expression The lesson is almost over.-This means that the lesson is almost done and you can ask your teachers any questions you may have before the lesson ends
The lesson is almost coming to an end. - coming to an endは何かがもうすぐ終わるという意味です。レッスンがもうすぐ終わるときに使えます。 The lesson is almost over. -これはレッスンがもうすぐ終わるという事で、講師にレッスンが終わる前に質問を聞くことができます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The lesson will be ending shortly

  • The end of the lesson is fast approaching

  • Sorry teacher, I have to finish this lesson very promptly today as I have a pressing engagement.

ay anything in this situation. I am sure your teacher is perfectly aware of the time and being reminded of the time may well be taken as being an unnecessary or critical statement. You are inferring that the teacher is not aware of the passing of time. If you need to finish the lesson promptly, better to say: "Sorry teacher, I have to finish this lesson very promptly today as I have a pressing engagement."
講師は時間を把握していると思いますのでそのような発言はあまり必要性がないと思います。 もし講師がレッスンが終わる時間に気づいていなくて今すぐレッスンを終わらせないといけない場合: (英文)"Sorry teacher, I have to finish this lesson very promptly today as I have a pressing engagement." (訳)「先生、すみません。今日はこの後用事があるためここでレッスンを終了したいと思います。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't think we can do the next exercise teacher because time is nearly up.

  • Its almost time teacher and we can't do the next exercise.

It often happens that the lesson of the day has many exercises which cannot be completed within the lesson time. However, teachers always tackle as many exercises as lesson time can allow them to do. The teacher or the student will always say something about the time running out if it is almost time to end the lesson. Say there are just two minutes left and, having just completed an exercise, you are about to start the next exercise, you may say to the teacher: I don't think we can do the next exercise because time is nearly up. or Its almost time and we can't do the next exercise.
レッスンの時間が足りなくなることはよくあります。 先生はいつもできるだけ多く課題に取り組みたいと思っています。 レッスンの終わり近くになると必ず先生または生徒はこれについて何か言いますね。 例えば、残り時間が2分、問題を終えて次の問題に入るところなら: I don't think we can do the next exercise because time is nearly up. (次の問題はできませんね、もう時間です) It's almost time and we can't do the next exercise. (もう時間です、次の問題はできませんね)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Our time is almost over

  • The time is running out

  • Our lesson is almost over

When you want to warn your teacher that the time is almost over for the lesson, then you can say: -Our time is almost over -The time is running out -Our lesson is almost over
あなたが先生に授業時間がほとんど終わりだということを言いたい場合、以下のように言えるでしょう: Our time is almost over. The time is running out. Our lesson is almost over. (もうすぐ時間になります。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • We are at the end of our lesson.

  • The time for our lesson is up.

  • We are out of time for our lesson.

The three sentences you see are great ways to let your teacher know that you are at the end of your lesson. In the second sentence you will see the term time is up. In the third sentence you will see the term out of time. Both of these terms mean that there is no time left. Both of these phrases are common in our everyday conversation and would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
三例とも、レッスンの時間が終わることを伝える言い方です。 二つ目の例では「time is up」、三つ目の例では「out of time」が使われています。どちらも、もう時間が残っていないことを表します。二つとも日常生活でよく使われるフレーズですので、是非覚えてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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