世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 20:21
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  • I want my hair to look something like this.

  • I want to try this style.

- "I want my hair to look something like this."(私の髪型をこれに似せてほしい) - "I want to try this style."(このスタイルを試してみたい) これらの表現は、自分の希望するヘアスタイルを美容師に伝えるときに使えます。写真を指しながら、上記のフレーズを使うことで、具体的なビジュアルイメージと言葉で希望を伝えることができます。 その一方で、自分が選んだヘアスタイルが自身に似合うかどうかを美容師にアドバイスしてもらいたい場合は、"Do you think this would suit me?"(これ、私に似合うでしょうか?)と尋ねることもできます。 さらに、以下の表現も役立ちます: 1. "Can you make my hair look like this?"(私の髪をこれに見せることはできますか?) 2. "I'd like to get this hairdo."(このヘアスタイルにしたいです)
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I wanna look like her/him.

「髪型(hairstyle)」とか「モデル(model)」のような単語は、 状況から明らかですから省略できます。 ですのでシンプルに 「彼女(彼)みたいに見えるようにして」 と言えば、そういう髪型にしてもらえると思いますよ。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • May I have my haircut like this, please?

  • Can you style my hair like this, please?

"May I have my haircut like this, please?"Show the picture to the hair stylist, she will advise you if this hairstyle is suitable for you. "Can you style my hair like this, please?"
"May I have my haircut like this, please? ""have one's haircut""=髪をカットしてもらう ""like this""=こんな感じに、このように Can you style my hair like this, please? ""style one's hair""=髪型を整えてもらう 仕上げて欲しい髪型が写っている写真を持って行って美容師の人に見せながらこう言ってみましょう。あなたに似合う髪型について何かいいアドバイスをくれるかもしれませんよ。 "
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Could I have this cut please? (showing the photo)

  • 2. I'd really love to have this cut if you could do it?

1. You ask if the salon can do this type of cut for you. A polite form of asking for something. "Could I have 2 beers and a packet of crisps please?" 2. "....if you could" We use this form to make the request more polite. If you could please help me, do you know where the bus station is please?"
1. その髪型のようにカットできるか尋ねるときの表現です。 丁寧に尋ねるときの表現、 "Could I have 2 beers and a packet of crisps please?" 2. "....if you could" この表現で、お願いをもっと丁寧にすることができます。 If you could please help me, do you know where the bus station is please?" もしお助けして頂ければありがたいのですが、バス停はどちらかご存じないですか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you think you could pull off this style?

  • I would realy like to have this hair style,

"Do you think you could pull off this style?" You are showing the barber what you desire and are asking them if they think they would be able to do it in the way it appears in the photo. pull off= to carry out a task successfully. "I would really like to have this hair style," This is a good way to express your desire/preference,
"Do you think you could pull off this style?" 床屋さんにどんな髪形にしてほしいか、写真を魅せながらお願いするときに使います。 pull off= うまく実行する "I would really like to have this hair style," 自分の要望をお願いするときに使える表現です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Do you think it's possible to do this cut?

  • Do you think this cut would suit me?

  • I'd like this cut, do you think it's possible?

I would like the same style as this picture I brought. I have a picture here to show you what I'm after.- "what I'm after'' means the result that you would like to achieve. It is always a good idea to bring a picture with you when going for a restyle.
I would like the same style as this picture I brought. (この写真と同じ髪型にしてもらいたいんですけど) I have a picture here to show you what I'm after. (こういう風にして欲しいなと思って写真持ってきたんですよ) - 「what I'm after」は、望んでいるものを表します。 髪型を新しくする時には写真を持っていくといいですね。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I want my hair to look like this

  • I would like this hairstyle

  • Could you make my hair look like this please?

If you have a picture of the way you would like your hair done then you would simply say 'I want my hair to look like this' or 'i would like this hairstyle' Another way of saying it would be 'Could you make my hair look like this please?' we add please to be polite when asking something
なりたい髪型が載っている写真を持っているのであれば、シンプルに以下のように言えます。 'I want my hair to look like this'(このような髪型にしたいです) 又は、 'I would like this hairstyle'(この髪型にして欲しいです) また他に、 'Could you make my hair look like this please?' (このようなヘアスタイルにして頂けますか?) という言い方もできます。物事を頼む時は、"please"をつけると丁寧な言い方になります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I want my hair to look something like this.

  • Can you try to cut my hair like this?

  • I would like to try a style like this.

If you want to ask to have your hair cut like a model in a photo that you've brought, you can say: "I want my hair to look something like this." "Can you try to cut my hair like this?" "I would like to try a style like this."
美容院で、持って行った写真のモデルのような髪型にしてほしいなら、次のように言えます。 "I want my hair to look something like this."(こんな風な髪型にしてほしいです) "Can you try to cut my hair like this?"(こんな風に切ってもらえますか) "I would like to try a style like this."(こんな風な髪型にしたいです)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I have a photo of how i would like my hair cut please.

To explain to the barber/Hairdresser that you want a certain haircut you could show them the photo so they can see it and copy the photo so you could say "I have a photo of how I would like my hair cut please".
美容院で希望の髪型を伝えるときには写真があると分かりやすいですね。 例えば、次のように言えます。 "I have a photo of how I would like my hair cut please". (切ってほしい髪型の写真を持ってきました)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Please use this picture as a guide.

  • I would like my hair to look like this.

  • Please use this picture for an idea of what I would like done.

If you ask the barber to use a certain picture as a guide it means that they should take note of the style in the image and copy it as much as they are able. It is a great idea to take a picture of the haircut style you would like with you to the barber so that you can get the style you desire. "Please cut my hair the way it looks in this picture?"
"Please use this picture as a guide." は「この写真の髪型にできるだけ似せて切ってください」という意味です。 美容院に希望の髪型の写真を持っていくというのはいいアイデアですね。 "Please cut my hair the way it looks in this picture?"(この写真のように髪を切ってもらえますか)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I want my hair to be styled like this.

  • I would like you to use this as inspiration.

  • I would like this haircut.

I would like you to use this as inspiration.' When we use something as inspiration, it means we admire it and would like to achieve the same or a similar result ourselves. In this instance, using a hairdresser to use a photo of a model's hair as inspiration would indicate to the hairdresser that you would like to emulate their style and would like your hair to look likes theirs.
I would like you to use this as inspiration.'(こんな感じにしてほしいです) 'use something as inspiration' は「~を 'inspiration' にする」という意味です。この場合は、美容師に「写真のモデル」を 'inspiration' にするよう伝えています。これは「そのヘアスタイルに似せてほしい」という意味です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to have this hairstyle, please.

  • Can you try to cut my hair like this?

If you want to have your hair cut in a specific way, for example, as a model in a photo that you want to bring, it's better to say: 1)I would like to have this hairstyle, please. - this, refers to the picture or 2) Can you try to cut my hair like this? - can you try to, is another way to ask nicely
「持って来た写真のモデルのように」など何か希望の髪型があるなら、次のように言えます。 1) I would like to have this hairstyle, please.(このヘアスタイルにしてもらいたいです) → 'this' はその「写真」を指します。 2) Can you try to cut my hair like this?(こんな風に切ってもらえますか) → 'can you try to' はお願いをするときの丁寧な言い方です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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