You never really have to go into much detail unless asked directly, so you can simply say "I'll be out," or "I won't be in tomorrow."
If you feel it is necessary, you can add that you're going to be out for "personal reasons."
There isn't anything wrong with saying "absent," but it is used more with talking about school.
So if you were going to miss school, you could say "I'll be absent" and it sounds more natural.
具体的に聞かれなければわざわざ[理由](をいう必要がないので"I'll be out," か "I won't be in tomorrow."でいいと思います。
もし必要性を感じたら "personal reasons"といえばいいと思います。
もし学校を[欠席する](のであれば "I'll be absent" の方がナチュラルに聞こえます。
I'll be absent from work tomorrow as I have a personal matter to attend to
It depends who you are speaking to how you wish to explain this scenario.
If it is a coworker, there is no need to give any explanation unless you particularly want to.
In the UK, many people regard their private lives as their own and may choose not to give any details about their absence.
"I'll be off work tomorrow."
However your boss may require at least a partial explanation and so you may say:
"I'll be absent from work tomorrow as I have a personal matter to attend to."
"I'll be off work tomorrow."
"I'll be absent from work tomorrow as I have a personal matter to attend to."
Absent is a formal word that means you will not be present somewhere, in this case, work.
You can just state that you won't be in work, which is a very clear, simple message to someone.
You can also add on to your statement to say that it is due to personal reasons. You can be specific if you want i.e. due to a wedding, or a death in the family, or a job interview. It depends on how much information you wish to share.
you won't be in work(仕事に行かない)と言うことができます。これは、相手にとって非常に明確でシンプルなメッセージです。
I'll be absent from work tomorrow.でも間違いではありませんが、I'm taking a day off tomorrow.のほうが使われています。
他の表現ではI can't come to work tomorrow.(明日仕事にこれません)という言い方もあります。日本語にするとやる気のないネガティブな言い方に聞こえますが、英語ではこのくらいはっきり言っても大丈夫です。
「個人的な予定」「自己都合」は、I have a personal matter. と言います。
Due to personal reasons, I will be absent tomorrow.
I am very sorry that I will be absent tomorrow. The reasons are personal in nature.
I will not be able to make it to work tomorrow due to person reasons.
If ever you need to be absent from work or school, you can always let your supervisor or professor know that your reasons are personal. You should first apologize for your absence and then explain that you have to tend to a personal matter. You can also simply say, "I'll be absent because I have a personal matter I need to handle."
“I’ll be absent because I have a personal matter I need to handle.”
I would like to take one day's leave tomorrow to sort out an important family issue that has been pending for quite some time.
Being absent from work can mean one of two things: either you are absent without leave or you are on one day's leave.
If you are going to be on one day's leave, you have to sign a leave form.
Being absent without leave is usually an offence that may render you going without pay for that day.
In certain cases, you may be liable for disciplinary action if it is done repeatedly.
However, applying for a day's leave in order to sort out an important family issue is the accepted method in most companies.
It is regarded as family responsibility leave.
Due to personal reason, I won't be coming in work tomorrow.
If you was talking to a friend you could shorten it down and just say " I won't be coming into work tomorrow" But your boss might ask for more details as to why.
友達に伝えるなら、シンプルに "I won't be coming into work tomorrow"(明日は仕事を休みます)でもいいでしょう。相手が上司の場合には、より詳しい説明を求められるかもしれません。
I will be away from work due to unforseen circumstances..(.Beyond my control.)
Unforseen circumstances are Beyond our control...Yhey are unplanned and so
they are also unavoidable....
"I will be away from work due to unforseen circumstances.."(.Beyond my control.)
"I will be away from work due to unforseen circumstances.."(.Beyond my control.)
I'll be taking the day off tomorrow.
I’ll be absent from school tomorrow.
有給休暇:paid vacation
午前/午後休:the morning/ afternoon off
自分個人の事情:personal matter
家庭の事情:family matter
ご参考までに :)
I will be taking day off tomorrow.
will be 動詞+ing= 「未来の時点で何々しているでしょう」という意味。
I am gonna be taking day off tomorrow.
1 Gonna = going to
2 be going to be 動詞+ing= 確定している予定について使います。
Can I possibly take a day off tmr?
Can + possibly= 二重謙譲語でかなり丁寧な言い回しです。
Tmr= チャットなどではtomorrowを短縮してこう書きます。