世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/30 22:14
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  • It's pretty cold outside, so how about a good coffee to warm us up?

  • Let's grab some good coffee to warm up

  • Let's get some good coffee to warm up

この場合、直訳Let's drink some good coffeeより Let's have, grab, getが自然です。 grabならテイクアウトコーヒー (軽いニュアンスなので) getやhaveならdrinkと同じニュアンスになります deliciousよりgoodが自然 delicious coffeeは友達同士あまり言わないと思います(特に若い人) 本当にうまいのであれば感想としてThis is deliciousでもいいけど 一般的にgood (とても美味しければso good又はgoodを強調気味で言う) 英語って言い方がとても大事です。 寒いから飲もう、ならば It's pretty cold outside, so how about a good coffee to warm us up? 外はかなり寒いので美味しいコーヒーを飲んであったまるのはどう?
  • Let's grab a quick coffee to warm us up on this cold day.

  • Why don't we get some coffee?It's so cold today.

  • Would you like to have some coffee with me ?It's quite cold today.

Let's grab a quick coffee to warm us up on this cold day. Why don't we get some coffee?It's so cold today. -These are casual ways of suggesting coffee. Would you like to have some coffee with me ?It's quite cold today. -Typically,you would use this sentence to invite an acquaintance or someone who is not a close friend.
Let's grab a quick coffee to warm us up on this cold day. Why don't we get some coffee?It's so cold today. -コーヒーを飲みたいことを示すカジュアルな言い方です。 Would you like to have some coffee with me ?It's quite cold today. -知り合いに、コーヒーでも如何ですか?と尋ねる表現になります。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • We should get coffee to warm us up.

  • Coffee would be great.

  • It is getting cold. We should buy some coffee.

A: It is so cold. B: We should get some coffee to warm us up. A: I'm freezing. B: Coffee would be great. A: It is getting cold. We should buy some coffee. B: That would be great.
例1 A: It is so cold.(とても寒いですね) B: We should get some coffee to warm us up.(コーヒーを飲んで温まったほうがいいですね) 例2 A: I'm freezing.(寒すぎる) B: Coffee would be great.(コーヒーを飲みたいですね) 例3 A: It is getting cold. We should buy some coffee.(寒くなってきました。コーヒーを買いに行きましょうか) B: That would be great.(それはいいですね)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • 1. We need warming up. Let's get a coffee!

  • 2. What do you say to a coffee? We are freezing!

  • 3. Let's go inside somewhere warm and get a coffee!

1. We need warming up = we are cold and wish to be warmer. 2. What do you say to ...? = This is an suggestion to do something. 3. To go inside = to go into a cafe or restaurant. A "It's so cold here!" B "Yes, we need warming up. Let's get a coffee!
1.We need warming up=寒くて暖かくなりたいです。 2. What do you say to ...? あなたは何と言う...? =これは何かをする提案に使われる言い方です。 3. To go inside = カフェやレストランに入る。 A "It's so cold here!" "ここはとても寒い!" B "Yes, we need warming up. Let's get a coffee! "そうね、あったまろうか!コーヒーを飲みましょう!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Let's get a cup of coffee to warm us up.

  • What we need in this weather is a warm cup of coffee.

If you want to suggest getting a warm cup of coffee, to help you to feel warm on a cold day, you can say any of these two sentences:- 1. Let's get a cup of coffee to warm us up. The expression "warm us up" means to help them feel warm even though the weather is cold. 2. What we need in this weather is a warm cup of coffee. This sentence is a way of suggesting that they need a cup of coffee to help them feel warm in the cold weather.
寒い日にコーヒーを飲んで温まろうと提案したいなら、次の言い方ができます: 1. Let's get a cup of coffee to warm us up.(コーヒーを飲んで温まろう) "warm us up"とは「体を温める」という意味です。 2. What we need in this weather is a warm cup of coffee.(この天気で必要なのは、温かいコーヒーです) これは、寒いのでコーヒーを飲んで温まろうと提案する言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Let's have some good coffee in a cozy cafe.

以前のご質問への回答となり恐縮ですが 少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 恐らく今回ご質問のシチュエーションでは 「今は寒い外にいるが、どこか暖かい場所で」 という状況も考えられるのではと思い、 Let's have some coffee in a cozy cafe. 「(暖かくて)居心地の良いカフェで、コーヒーでも飲もうよ」 としました。 ポイントは 形容詞のcozy で、「(暖かくて)居心地の良い 」 というニュアンスの言葉です。 例えば、I felt warm and cozy sitting by the fire. 「火(暖炉など)のそばに座り、暖かく心地よく感じた」 などと使えます。 a cozy cafe とすると、そんな「暖かい・こじんまりとした カフェ」を指しますので、間接的ではありますが「暖かい 場所へ行きたい」という希望を伝えることが可能です。 質問者様の英語学習の成功を願っております。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄
Michio Maekawa アスリート・イングリッシュ・マイスター
  • Should we get a warm cup of coffee?

  • Brr, it's cold, we should get a nice cup of coffee.

  • It's so cold, why don't we get some coffee?

All three expressions are suitable for this situation.
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • Let's get a brew

  • Do you fancy a hot drink?

  • Let's go an get a drink to warm the cockles of your heart

Let's get a brew - brew is a hot drink - either tea, coffee or even hot chocolate on a cold day. Do you fancy a hot drink? - this is asking a direct question - do you feel like getting a hot drink Let's go and get a drink to warm the cockles of your heart - this is an old expression and means something that will warm you up - the cockles of your heart are deep inside your body and a hot drink will warm you all the way through your body. Hope this helps Jane :)
Let's get a brew. - brew はお茶、コーヒー、寒い日のホットココアなど、温かい飲み物のことです。 Do you fancy a hot drink? - これはDo you feel like getting a hot drink? と同じで直接的な質問を聞いています。 Let's go and get a drink to warm the cockles of your heart. - これは古い言い回しで、あなたを暖めるもののことを意味します。 the cockles of your heart は、体の奥底と温かい飲み物は、体中を暖めるだろうということを意味します。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Let's warm up with some coffee!

  • I'm freezing, let's get some coffee to warm ourselves up.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you want to get some coffee to warm yourselves up. In each sentence you will see the use of the term warm oneself up. We use this term a lot, especially during the winter season when we are cold and want to feel warm! This term would make an awesome addition to your vocabulary.
上記はどちらも、コーヒーを飲んで温まろうと提案する言い方です。 どちらの例にも'warm oneself up'(体を温める)という表現が使われています。特に寒い冬になると、この表現はよく使われます。ぜひボキャブラリーに加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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