世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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kei takamiさん
2017/05/07 21:50
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  • Do we go back to the hotel to rest, or go right on to have dinner?

"go back to 〜" は「(場所や人の元へ)戻る、帰る」という表現です。 "rest" は「休む、休憩する」という表現で、他に "take/have a rest" "take/have a break" "get rest" などと言うことができます。 "go right on to 〜" は「このまま〜に行く、向かう」ということを表します。 "have dinner" は「夕食を取る」となり、他に "dine"(食事をする) や "eat dinner" という表現もあります。
  • Should we return back to the hotel? Or should we head straight to dinner?

  • Should we go back to the hotel or go on ahead to dinner?

  • Should we return to the hotel one time? Or should we go eat dinner now?

「…に戻る」は return (back) to ...や go back to ...などと言いましょう! また、単に go to dinner や eat dinner というのではなく、 head straight to dinner / go on ahead to dinner / go eat dinner now などと言えば、「そのまま食べに行く」のニュアンスがうまく表現できますよ。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Shall we go back to the hotel room first, or do you want to go straight to dinner?

  • Do you want to go back to the hotel room before dinner or not?

  • Shall we go straight to dinner, or do you want to go back to the hotel room before?

There's many ways of asking this question, you can either ask "Shall we go straight to dinner or shall we go to the hotel room first?" or you can ask it the other way around, i.e if they want to go back to the hotel room or go straight to dinner.
この質問の仕方はたくさんあります。以下のように尋ねることができます。  "Shall we go straight to dinner or shall we go to the hotel room first?" そのまま夕食にいきましょうか、それとも先に部屋にもどりましょうか? または、逆にして、ホテルの部屋にもどりたいか、それとも夕食にそのまま行きたいか聞くこともできます。
Thomas M DMM英会話講師
  • Shall we nip back to the hotel or have dinner straightaway?

If you 'nip' somewhere it means that you go there quickly. Eg. "I'll be back soon - I'm just nipping to the supermarket."
nip'とは、そこへさっと行くという意味です。  例: "I'll be back soon - I'm just nipping to the supermarket." すぐ戻ってくるよ。スーパーへさっと行ってくるよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want to go back to the hotel to change your clothes or should we go straight to the restaurant to have dinner?

Your friend may want to go back to the hotel to do one or two things, such as changing into a different set of clothes before going to the restaurant for dinner. It is appropriate to ask him/her if he/she would like to go back to the hotel to change into more formal attire for example. You may ask: Do you want to go back to the hotel to change your clothes or should we go straight to the restaurant to have dinner?
夕食を食べにレストランに行く前に、違う洋服に着替えるなど、友達は一つ二つ用事を済ませるためにホテルに戻りたいかもしれません。ホテルに戻って、例えばフォーマルな服装に着替えたいか尋ねることは適切です。 下記のように聞けます。 Do you want to go back to the hotel to change your clothes or should we go straight to the restaurant to have dinner? (ホテルに戻って着替えたい、それともこのままレストランに夕食に行く?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Do you want to go back to the hotel and rest or do you want to have dinner first?

  • Do you want to rest first or have dinner?

  • Shall we go back to our rooms or do you want to go straight to dinner?

It is completely alright to ask your friend what they'd like to do first. It shows you being courteous and understanding. Most people would be shy to ask if they could rest for a while before going to dinner as they fear it might give the impression that they are tired of their companion. So phrasing this question in any of the three ways is acceptable by everyone. Hope this helps!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to head back to the hotel or go right to dinner?

  • Should we go to the hotel or straight on to eat dinner?

To be considerate to a friend, while traveling,  to see if they want to go to back to the hotel or head straight on to eat dinner, you can ask "Should we go to the hotel or straight on to eat dinner?"
旅行中に友達のことを思いやって、ホテルに一度戻りたいか、そのままディナーを食べに行きたいか聞くには、  "Should we go to the hotel or straight on to eat dinner?" ホテルに行くか、そのままディナーに行く? と言うことができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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